As a followup to the previous post, two items: first, Oren reminded me that the Met Fifth Avenue had an excellent show in 2012–13 called "Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop." A pretty extensive selection is still online, with writeups, but unfortunately many of the illustrations are reduced to thumbnails. (Museums can be very fastidious about the rights to their holdings, as you might know if you've attended museum photography shows with "No Photography" signs scattered about. Which always struck me as funny, but then I tend to see the world with humor and an eye for ironies.) The book is still available, although it's pricey. I wish I had it, but I am flat out of room for books. Didn't Richard III, as the last of the Wars of the Roses raged around him, cry out, "Shelving! Shelving! My kingdom for more shelving!"?*
[UPDATE: A reader who wishes to remain anonymous wrote to point out that this show and book were "made possible" (i.e., underwritten) by Adobe! In his words:
The other thing is that I should mention that my own closest allegiance in photography is to the traditions of photojournalism and documentary photography, mainly through the practices of photojournalists working like artists or artists working photojournalists, for example many of the Magnum photographers. Even in art photography I tend to like people whose work tells it like it is, from Jacques Lartigue when he was a boy to Lee Friedlander** to Vanessa Winship. I already mentioned that I like old snapshots, which tend to be unmanipulated only because they don't reach for that level of sophistication. I also think there is a lot to be parsed between photography which is honest within its limitations, vs. photography intended to deceive, which a lot of people confuse. There is absolutely nothing at all dishonest about black-and-white photographs per se.
But I'm on the way to the funeral of one of my best friends here, feeling rushed as always when I have to get out of the house on a timetable (schedules and writing do not go well together and that is just that) and I don't have time to elaborate. As ever, more anon.
*He did not. To avoid spreading more misinformation on the web, which already has enough of it, he actually said, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!", or at least he did in Shakespeare's play, Act 5, scene 4, line 13. Unhorsed and at the mercy of the enemy, he died that day. Do you get this stuff on other photography websites? You do not.
**For all the massive number of Friedlander books—with which his house is stuffed, by the way—there's been no good one-volume introduction to his work since Like a One-Eyed Cat, a book I love.
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Featured Comments from:
John Taylor: "I saw 'Faking It' in DC; wonderful exhibition, and I regretted not getting the catalogue then. Years later, in a Santa Fe used bookstore that consists of stacks upon stacks of seemingly unsorted books everywhere, quite literally I found a copy by chance. I did not hesitate a second time."
Moose: "Hmm, just got back from the Peabody-Essex museum in Salem, Massachusetts. The exhibit 'Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums' is full of faked photos."
Lothar Adler: "The more I think about the modern possibilities of manipulating photos and, moreover, in combination with AI, the more I realize that this is not just a photographic / documentary problem, but with far greater significance a problem in the political and social sphere! If the boundaries between documentary image (in the sense of evidence) and reality can be unrecognizably blurred, then those who possess the knowledge of the elite and the associated technologies have the power over what we experience as reality. We humans form our construct of reality on the basis of the information we receive and can also be directly manipulated politically at this point without us being aware of it. I recently saw a TED talk by the head of AI development at Microsoft. She was pleased to report that almost all Microsoft software products would soon contain AI functions, even if the user would not notice them. In recent years, the degree of perfection of possible manipulation and artificial generation in the field of photography and language (including voice) has developed to such an extent that recently AI has even been able to generate videos that are indistinguishable from traditionally generated videos. Simply by writing a prompt (i.e. writing a small description).
"Again: from this level of perfection, a problem with much more significance arises in the social and political field than in the area of fine arts."
Niels: "I am surprised you haven't linked to this post of yours from 2016. I think this controversy was the final straw that completely killed my interest in enjoying photography on its own merits when it's of digital origin. I now can't really get immediate enjoyment of a photograph unless I already know that it originates from the photo-chemical process, like a Friedlander photograph for example."
richardl: "i luv [sic] conspiracy theory...."
David Comdico: "There was a huge shift from darkroom manipulation to digital and Photoshop, and now AI. No sophistry will change that. And the proof is the negative. It’s as simple as that."
Hank: "I think that the recent Framed book might be the closest thing to an 'overview' of Lee Friedlander as there is."
Terry Letton: " I just want to respond to this thread to point out that there is photography that is not journalism. Sure we don’t want to see a health guru’s face cloned onto a corpulent politician’s body touting the health benefits ofGMO filled cupcakes. (Hyperbolic example.) Photography can also illustrate mood and emotion, which often is more effective using some or all of the techniques you decry. I just received my latest issue of Black and White Photography magazine [which I used to write for —MJ] and the opening Editor's column addresses this very issue. Much of my own photography is in this mode. Truthfully I have no qualms about using Photoshop in any possible way that helps make my photo look the way I want it to and hopefully convey the meaning I hope to share."