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Wednesday, 01 January 2025


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German is not my best foreign language, but it’s spät (pronounce ‘spait’), not ‘spat’ (where the ‘a’ would sound like in the English ‘father’ but which to my knowledge is not a German word.)

Really enjoying the year-in-review, even if I’m only up to March so far. As someone who visits pretty much every day, it’s humbling how much I either missed, glossed over, or (perhaps worst) simply forgot that I had read previously.

Around here, where Pennsylvania Dutch speech and culture is never that far away, that proverb is rendered as, "We grow too soon oldt and too late schmart."

Well, finally got to read that piece on DAH. All so very strange when reading through, as woman after woman kept falling for his trap. How could they? But then, I remember seeing the photos of him surrounded by all these young, good looking twenty somethings at his many workshops and related events. Wow, the guy must be quite the something to not only relate so well to people that age, but promote their careers as well- and it has to be on the up and up since it must have Magnum's blessing, right? Right?

Why did you remind me of the torturous keyboard death march? I had to take an aspirin and lie down...

As much as I do not like to nitpick, especially with a seasoned veteran such as Ctein, I have to point out that his statement about the relative size of the Micro 4/3 sensor compared to Full Frame is incorrect.
Micro 4/3 sensors are a quarter of the size, not half the size. They are half the width and half the height ( roughly) which is his point in terms of lens coverage, but that is not the same thing.
Just sayin'.
Happy New Year to all.

That's a succinct explanation of why I love to read your work. Thanks for bringing so much to the table.

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