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Monday, 30 December 2024


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One more reason for me not to feel bad about not watching movies

I like the leatherette on the EOS R1, it looks like a ship’s deck.

In the sixties my parents & I lived in Surinam, then still a Dutch colony. One day we crossed the river by ferry. As I stood at the railing, looking out over the water, my flip-flops had melted onto the deck. My father had to come and lift me up to get back to the car. A bit of a slapstick scene, maybe that’s why I still remember it so clearly.

I saw that Vox video a while ago and wondered why it omits the obvious culprit and solution, which is that the filmmakers and studios could creatively rethink and remix the movie's audio from scratch for lesser sound systems but choose not to. And that's because spending that kind of time and money is unthinkable--it would subtract too much from streaming license revenues. Why rock the boat when audiences are blaming themselves and not the product? So I consider this issue a form of deliberate "enshittification" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification and expect it to continue until enough consumers wise up and demand better.

On the topic of recent movies about photography/photographers, this year saw the release of The Bikeriders, starring Tom Hardy and a stellar cast. I think it might be the only studio movie based on a photo essay (the titular Bikeriders, a book by Danny Lyon). Danny is portrayed in the movie by Mike Faist, who played Riff in Spielberg's West Side Story.

My wife commented on the trailer that Tom Hardy seems to be trying to channel Marlon Brando, but I think it is more accurate that his character is doing the channeling, mimicking Brando in The Wild Ones.


I heard about "Camera" from Luigi Barbano's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ktTboYdzl4

From Luigi's review, it sounds like a very good movie. Unfortunately, it's not in any theaters around my location.

Thanks for all those links to good films and books to look at.

[The old "Hitler rant" was pretty funny (linked in the "What I Did on My Winter Vacation (OT)" post.)]

Audio: My old plasma TV finally gave up the ghost this year so I bought a new Mini-LED QLED 4K TV (Hisense U8K) that has surprisingly nice sound. This type of TV is much thicker than an OLED so it came with a 2.1 5 speaker sound system. After living with the new TV for a few months I decided to experiment with its sound by cobbling together my first TV surround sound system using decade old components that I had stashed in various closets. I had an old Denon 5.1 surround receiver (AVR-591) that I had once used with a desktop computer for some crazy reason and an old pair of Denon mini system speakers (SC-M37) that now serve as my rear surround speakers. I shared my stereos big floorstanding Decware speakers with the surround receiver via a speaker switch so they can now also serve as my front surround speakers and as a final Frankenspeaker twist, I’m using a KEF Q150 (coaxial) flopped on its side as a center speaker. I realize this sounds like a sonic nightmare but I think it sounds nice (better) and having a center channel speaker has made a world of difference when it comes to hearing clear dialog. The move to a 4K picture has also been a real eye opener. The new TV has nice upscaling capabilities so my restored Blu-ray copy of Casablanca looks amazing.

"Moose belatedly posted a mini-portfolio of his own work in a comment to the "Minimal Realism" post. I like "Petaled" and "Brass" best, but take a look and see what you like."

Thanks for the promo! PS suddenly wouldn't load, and it took a lot of time and a chat with Adobe to get it back. But I couldn't stop; better late than never?

Here's a little bonus I missed:


The title is a clue. Like the others, it's a "straight" shot, only processed for noise, brightness, contrast, etc.

In this case, simply the cords to three appliances in our kitchen.

By the way, Lee became available for streaming on Hulu since that article was published.

I just wanted to mention that an app called Downie allows you -- by way of copying-and-pasting YouTube links -- to download an actual (.mp4) file of many YouTube videos (presumably not full-on movies, which I've never tried). As a Mac tutor/teacher I find this useful to watch informational clips like the "Why we all need subtitles now" one about audio. Once downloaded, you have better control of the video by way of QuickTime Player's controls ... and, of course, there are no ads.

https://software.charliemonroe.net/downie/ (just a happy customer)

My reaction to the Canon R1 is "Does it really need to be that big and heavy?"

Thanks for the meanderings around the web.

Interesting kickstarter project with the SmartFlex. It reminded me of another kickstarter project to re-do the 35mm SLR - the Reflex.

I think I came across it via Thom Hogans film SLR website. The aim was to have an interchangeable lens mount, plus an interchangeable film back. And a few other tech goodies.

From poking around it looks like the project has died as they assumed they could use an existing production shutter mechanism, which ended up proving false, and they didn’t have the funding to design and build their own one - per this website.

While I’m not a medium format photographer, I hope the SmartFlex is successful.

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