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Thursday, 28 November 2024


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Congratulations on 19 years of TOP. After reading your Insidious Relativism post I have discovered that for 19 years I have been reading the musings of a photographic fraudster! Oh well, after all this time I guess that it is just water, I mean speedboat, under the bridge.

Nineteen more please.

Is this the longest you’ve ever had the same job “job”?

Congratulations Mike, and happy birthday TOP.

And to think, TOP has almost completed its adolescence years ;~)

Truly, congratulations on your superb effort over the last 19years. I came to TOP via the British Black+White magazine. I very much enjoyed the articles you penned for that magazine and was disappointed when you stopped. I was however delighted to find your blog site in late 2005. I think it was around December of that year. I have read your blog every day since then and consider you an essential part of my life. I always follow you down the rabbit holes and digressions that you take, places I would probably not go to of my own volition. TOP is so much more than merely a blog about things photographic.
Again a very heartfelt congratulations from a long time reader, very rare commenter and a grateful Patreon contributor.

Congratulations, Mike! I have been reading your blog for years and it's one of the best for anything photography-related, your off-topic writing is always interesting. I look forward to the 20th-year celebration!
PS: I very much enjoy the painting by Louisa Matthíasdóttir, Two Horses in Landscape, c. 1990.

Happy 19th Birthday to The Online Photographer! Congratulations!!!
Rachel Turnley

Darn, 19 already. They grow up so quickly...


Congrats Mike! Happy Birthday to your baby!!!

It’s quite a task to keep something going-on your own-for so long. Kudos to you!

My business turned 20 this fall, and we had a wonderful celebration. Amazing how time flies, isn’t it… you just keep doing what you do! Day by day, and then all of a sudden two decades have passed. Yowza.

Mike, congratulations on your anniversary. Writing and producing your long form blog is very much appreciated every day, on whatever you feel is notable.

I'm an early adopter. I used to get your paper (was it ever on paper?) 37th frame letter. I hav 5 B&W images I printed on my old Epson 2200 printer with the Black Ink Only method I read of on blog. I'm still here

Happy Birthday, TOP! Congratulations, Mike! Lucky us! More, please!

Congratulations to TOP and a special thank you for your dedication, perseverance and "never say die" attitude.

It is said that once a regular activity goes past a certain number of years, the rest is like in an automode. Writers who don't write suddenly can develop withdrawal symptoms, so they keep going.

Keep it up Mike.

[Hi Dan, My tolerance for not writing is about as long as my tolerance for not listening to music: about four days. If I have written nothing for that long I get a sort of pent-up hunger to do it, and it's the same with music--no music for four days and I feel that same pent-up hunger for it. --Mike]

Congrats on your blogiversary! I followed your link and gifted me a new ipad.

Congrats and Happy Birthday Mike!
I have been visiting and enjoying TOP for a long time; it has been a consistency in my life. I really appreciate that you are here! I was trying to think how long and so I did a search through old emails, and I came across one from 2010 which I recommended a friend to one of your posts “The most expensive Leica Ever” Jim is a dedicated Leica shooter. So I’ve been frequenting TOP since before that. Happy Birthday and thanks for creating a place for photo enthusiasts to gather as community. Cheers!

Congratulations Mike! I think you have plenty of reasons to feel proud of your work at TOP. I don't exactly remember when I discovered TOP, but it had to be around 2006/2007, when I was looking for information about digital cameras in the net, and I found it. Since then I have very much enjoyed your writing, both about photography and any other topic, and I hope you will keep on posting for many years to come.

And yeah, definitely you should do a big online party in 2025 to celebrate the 20 years of TOP!!

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