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Saturday, 02 November 2024


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Great! I look forward to your film musings. In the meantime, I will reread your articles on "Johnston's Not Much of a System System".

Maybe you can combine this approach with another one of your “I’m gonna…” Friday ideas, which was print offerings. See end of this post..


Like Norman’s Rare Guitars: Flattop Friday. 😃👍

That sounds like a good plan. I find that doing a repetitive task on a particular day of the week helps me to actually get it done. And it keeps me from overdoing it, which never works out well for me.

I'm looking forward to it.

The occasional Film Friday is a good option. Flag with this title and add a good one line summary of the topic. That will allow me tune in or tune out to a specific film topic.

I did a flowery Friday on my blog. But not every Friday. Some people loved it. Some were meh. It was a good way of putting up lots of photos on a topic. Photos that might not have otherwise made the blog. Plus it made my wife happy to see photos of her garden out in public and all.

So you are going to post about film on Fridays, but not necessarily every Friday, (and possibly not on Friday).


Re: "I'm gonna..." mentioned in the comments above

Please add to your list the post about the best digital card reader that you were going to do when B&H reopened after Shabbat.

[I’m sorry I dropped the ball on that. I had just done all the research at the time and had a call in to the president of one of the companies. But I got sick. But look up a post called “What I ended up doing.” That’s as far as it went. —Mike]

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