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Sunday, 22 September 2024


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Howard Zehr wrote a nice little book on contemplative photography. In it he talks about thinking of photographs as gifts to be received not trophies to be taken but it looks like you have already figured that out so I will go straight to a joke.
What do you get when you throw a hand grenade into a French kitchen?
Lineoleum Blown apart.

There are some days when everything is "just right." A few weeks ago, on a drive from Keuka Park to Seneca Falls, and then later on the return, the clouds, the light, everything, was spectacular. Had I been alone, I might have stopped a dozen times.

Back home in PA, the cooling towers of the Limerick nuclear power plant with their effusion of water vapor have been nudging me to create a series I would title "Cloud Maker." Today, the air was still, and as I looked across the valley (I was driving) I saw that the column of vapor rose straight up at least a thousand feet, until it merged with the bases of puffy cumulus ... "cloud maker" indeed.

I’ll share a comment my wife made to me many years ago as she went off to explore on her own, while I worked on a setup: “There’s nothing interesting about your ass bent over a tripod.” I’ve never come up with a good counter-argument.

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