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Thursday, 12 September 2024


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Much to the chagrin of the French, the lingua franca of the web is English.

Do you pick up your camera in your time off? Or is that work?

I've yet to read the long post, but I wanted to wish you a bon weekend and share this treat from my morning, though I'm sure you've encountered it before:


[Spoiler alert if you play Artle.]


It's a portrait of Eugene Atget by Berenice Abbott https://www.getty.edu/art/collection/object/104JJM

Like you, I have a soft spot for photographs of photographers. In this case, it's also a portrait of an idol by a fan. Supposedly, Abbott was new to cameras, but I think she did a great job here. I assume she intended to crop; maybe a lot.

Abbott was the topic of today's Artle, the online guess-the-artist game hosted by the National Gallery, which I enjoy and play almost every day. https://www.nga.gov/artle.html

Words from the French: most English words that end in “tion.”

I always wonder about that term "loan words" - when are we ever going to give them back :)

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