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Saturday, 10 August 2024


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Mike, the first thing I install in every Firefox (and Chrome, whenever I use it) is the addon 'ublock origin', removing many or all of the nausea-causing ads even from normal view. This makes the reading experience so much nicer in the first place, even without the 'reader mode'.

Additionally it helps against tracking (I know, I am a paranoid European...) and attacks through contaminated advertisemant sites.

Reader mode is in Safari too. It's one of the better things that exist in the world.

Sites that disable it generally do so to be able to jam more ads down your throat and are to be looked upon with scorn.

A great tip that I'm always forgetting. In the Vivaldi browser, which is based on Chrome, there's a similar icon in the same place--in the address/search bar, at the right-most end, next to the bookmark icon.

Love "reader view". Use it for many of the blogs I read, but have never had the need to use for TOP, as you don't bombard our senses with distracting animations and videos.

Annoyingly, on TOP, reader view hides the topic title for me when I'm viewing the page from the front page (where all posts are listed one after the other). I think it's because the header tag for it is outside the div with the content.

If you open a single post, the title is shown as normal

But in list mode, it makes it quite difficult to see where one post ends and the next begins, as the horizontal bars separating the posts are also hidden.

A big, BIG thank you for pointing this out. I’ve known about it for years and never used it but I am SO tired of this experience. Begin reading…a paragraph in - join our mailing list! - read a bit more…video you already chose to ignore at the top tries again for your attention (hey, I think you missed me!), and so on.

I also use the Vivaldi Reader View, mostly to put it in dark mode and increase the font size for easier reading.

The one thing I don't like is that you can only get to the bottom of the Featured Comments. You have to turn off Reader View to read the comments.

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