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Friday, 05 July 2024


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What's funny is that as soon as you showed me that keyboard, which to me looks like something out of an anxiety dream where you are supposed to type an essay in a hurry but just can't because everything is different, I noticed that it seemed like your sentences were shorter, like your finger-brain connection was running out of steam in the last paragraph.

[That's funny. You are not wrong. —Mike]

Here in Florida (at least my part), fireworks are "illegal" with one exception. Agricultural folks are allowed to use pyrotechnics to keep crop damaging wildlife away from their growth. So the firework stands that spring up in tents on any vacant piece of land or large parking lot this time of year have a workaround. Everyone that buys fireworks has to sign a document saying the purchase is for "agricultural use only."

This morning on my walk around the neighborhood, stepping over the debris from thousands of explosions that happened last night, I could not see a single crop field in this area. Those people signing that form may not have been 100% honest.

Congratulations Mike! To enjoy doing nothing is a great achievement for modern humans in the west. "It is better to do nothing than to waste time" -- Viktoras Kulvinskas

Hopefully this didn't take you any longer to read just because it took me so long to type.

Perhaps your funniest line all year.

Fire Works?
Roman Candles-

The Art of Doing Nothing is in itself a great blessing.

You are in a state of stillness, mindfulness and awareness that many people would give up an arm and a leg to acquire.

Beware the barrenness of a busy life!

Isn't it sweet, deciding to do nothing, and doing it?

I can understand modifying a perfectly good colors camera to get a monochrome camera, but severely distorting a keyboard baffles me. I get motion sickness just looking at that photo.

I'll be one of those summer people, in mid August. Staying in a house across the lake from you, by Keuka College. Semiannual gathering of my wife's family, two houses, a B&B, between 20 and 30 of us.

Wanna join us for poetry night? Seriously, we do poetry, some of it radical.

That keyboard? No offense Mike , that is one ugly keyboard!
But what do I know. I get dizzy just looking at it.

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