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Saturday, 06 July 2024


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I'm going to guess it's the dog. ;)

Just a WAG, Sam McGee.

My wild guess: Jack London and the Call of the Wild dog. The period is right, and the dog is very charismatic. The gentleman in the white shirt has a presence that might extend beyond the simple abode of the cabin.

My question is, what manner of wine or spirits is in the bottle to the left?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say the "handsome fellow" we're talking about in the picture is the dog. This seems like the sort of pictorial misdirection a former teacher like yourself would engage in.

My first guess was Rin Tin Tin, but my dim memories suggest that he came along a few decades later.

The dog?

On closer inspection, the dog doesn't look like a German Shepherd, so disregard my previous guess.

Is one of those gentlemen Jack London? Knowing you, I'm betting that the character is the dog.
However, the only literature I know is Science fiction, so I'm lost after that. At least I didn't cheat, as I obviously know nothing. Thanks for playing!

Seems very Klondike Gold Rush-ish with the timeline and the snowshoes in the background. The dog is by far the most handsome so I’m going to guess him and say Buck from Call of the Wild.

Probably the dog. Fang ?

Great shot of Jack London, too bad I don't know which one he is.....

Buck (Call of the Wild)?

Hmm. Playing it honest. Looking at the dog, the cabin, the cloths, the date... I'll bet one of them is Jack London and that it's up in the Yukon for the gold rush.

The kind of place I'd have set up with a portrait & landscape photography shop (portraits for $$$ & landscapes for art) because you'll always make more money selling to the nutters out trying make fortunes than the people thinking they'll get rich. Probably make even more being a dry goods merchant but that's too much like real work.

White fang?

Obviously the dog

The one in the middle. Lassie Come Home.

I’m betting it’s the dog.

Guy on the left is Peyton Manning. That dog is gigantic!

I don't know the literary work, but I'm pretty sure it's the dog you're referring to.

Nothing says "gold rush" quite like a bottle of champagne.

I got it wrong. And backwards. I thought, hmm, end of the 19th century, frontierish setting, big dog, like Buck. Aha! I bet one of the men is Jack London. But which one? My private guess between these two was also wrong (I picked the man on the right), but at least this time it wasn't backwards. Just wrong.

[That's why I said several readers were "adjacent" to the right answer. You were in the neighborhood. I thought it was going to be a harder question than it turned out to be. But I guess that's usual...my audience is smart and informed! --Mike]

Given that they've revised the law in the EU with respect to how crustaceans are to be treated, because they've been recognised as being sentient beings, you'd have to be proudly ignorant to miss that quality in a dog.

Should you find yourself in the northern California wine country you might want to check out the Jack London State Historic Park. It is a Don't Miss if you're a fan of his.

A few photos I took in the park while on a brief visit are on Flickr at this link -

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