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Thursday, 18 July 2024


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Oh, his work is spectacular! I looked at the photos you linked to and got tears - what an artist! He left the world more beautiful. Thank you for posting these.


I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Howard Bond. Although I did not have the pleasure of knowing him personally, his unique perspective and dedication to his craft will be dearly missed. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and everyone touched by his work. His legacy will continue to inspire many.

A fine post. Many lessons. Shows your great character too. Worthy of correcting the that which should be than. Sorry for the bathos.

Pulling more on the musical analogy thread, music suffers the same fate in the digital era as photography. If I listen to an album on vinyl (one that was recorded pre digitally), I can see where the musicians are placed on stage, in my minds eye.

But to hear the same songs as mp3s renders them sterile and congealed.

I had a look at Mr. Bond's work linked on the Large Format Photography Forum and it is truly exceptional and dedicated work by a photographer who understood what a good black-and-white photograph should look like. I enjoyed seeing his attention to composition structure and the harmony between the various shades of gray from black to white.

It is a shame that his work is not more widely known, but I guess that's the way it is in this day and age where anyone can become a "photographer".

The LLF thread presented in this post led me to this Howard Bond picture titled "Arch Base, Horne, England" that draws me in to just stare at. I would like to view this print in person one day.


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