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Wednesday, 17 July 2024


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check replies to the LFF posting, apparently he was living in an assisted living home in Ann Arbor, MI.

If Howard has died, he would have been 92, not 93. His date of birth is 23 July 1931.


The Museum of Contemporary Photography page on him lists Chicago as his place of residence, if that helps track down information on him. Page is dated 2022.



Maybe I'm a bit strange, but I do find it unusual that since the most compelling and likely influential press photographs of the last, what 60+ years, were published earlier this week there has been radio silence here. I mean, this is meant to be a photography website. And sure, I think Vance was right in his earlier assessment of Trump and therefore don't like giving him publicity but still: Nothing? Nothing is said about this? Just a bit odd is all.

Several attendees of Howard's workshops gave their experiences of his teaching and personality here:


See The Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College Chicago
They have him living in Chicago.
Perhaps they have more information

[I believe that's an error being perpetuated by repetition. At least, if he ever lived in Chicago, it had to have been earlier than 1994.

Thanks for passing along the info, however. --Mike]

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