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Sunday, 23 June 2024


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The cops in Minneapolis were reckless and injured scores of people needlessly. Eye injuries were common, though this particular case is unusual and tragic. I’m in activist circles with a couple former Guard members who were patrolling the riots. They loaded regular bullets in their rifles, not rubber, and were told that anyone violating curfew was an enemy. Now, they regret participating and they hold signs for Palestine.

Sad to hear.

Reacting to John Camp’s comment: I used to be a reporter as well and I have photographed protests and riots. To me the enormous difference between riots in Europe and the US is what struck me. It was much safer to be a journalist in Europe than in the US when riots were concerned, largely because the violence from either side was less and there was no chance of guns being used.

Nowadays, you can’t win as a journalist. If you stand close to the protesters, some of them will - as John says - harass you as either a member of the bourgeois media or a supposed undercover cop (while the real cops film you as a member of the protesters) and the cops will go after just about everybody in their way if/when they charge. If you stand with the cops, you can be sure the protesters think you’re a cop, plus you can only take photographs of the back of the action.

Tragic, very bad indeed.

Does, however, confirm my decision NOT to go out and try to take pictures on the nights of the actual protest (putting it off is what lead to my Words Over Windows project, shot starting a couple of days after the biggest excitement).

What you should definitely not do is be a police officer firing a rubber bullet into a woman's eye. Or a man's eye.

My uncle was at a peaceful demonstration in Northern Ireland and was hit in the head with "rubber bullet" #euphamism and was never the same afterwards.

These demonstrations are always made more, not less chaotic, by police brutality. Casting the blame on someone who lost her eye and is losing her life because she got shot in the face would be an advanced case of victim blaming.

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