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Monday, 20 May 2024


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Was that a brand-new road they were building where before there was no road at all? Or were they ripping up an old road and replacing it with new concrete?

How common are concrete roads? In my neck o' the woods--currently the Delaware Valley northwest of Philadelphia--roads are generally made of asphalt. Not concrete.

[It was an existing road being resurfaced. As I explore on Street View, several other roads immediately adjacent are now concrete, but most in the wider area are asphalt. I'd like to know the story of how that little enclave happened to receive concrete roads.

By the way, Windsor Drive looks to be in very good condition still today. --Mike]

Interessante articolo. Vorrei tanto imparare a fotografare come te. Ciao

Off-topic comment, but this might appeal to you.

"What is the Focal Length of the Human Eye for Cinematography?"

At https://wolfcrow.com/what-is-the-focal-length-of-the-human-eye-for-cinematography/

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