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Friday, 19 April 2024


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thanks for the tip! Love the post office stamps.

Agreed on the pricing re: your comment of stamp set versus print. I have Yosemite and the Range of Light.

Me too, Mike. I don't have wall space for all those 'replica prints".

Don't forget to order the First Day of Issue cover.

Mike thank you for the advance notice of the AA stamps. I preordered a few sheets of them and will have at least one framed. Would make a great gift for another photog addict.

As to the stuff in the gallery, they're experts at pricing it just at the point where I never quite get around to committing, across decades. Nearly certainly a mistake on my part, but so it goes.

The stamps, though, might well buy a sheet of those. I've got sheets of several of the space stamps.

The fourth row, third image features “Road After Rain, Northern California” (1960). As a thumbnail, I couldn't belief I was seeing an Adam's photograph of a road with a delibrately slanted horizon. Upon closer inspection, the trees and fence posts are essentially vertical, so the slanted horizon was the true depiction of that landscape.


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