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Tuesday, 05 March 2024


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Seems a bargain in NYC


It’s gotten absolutely crazy here (here, because I’m in NYC for a month). Add to that the cost increases for eating out and groceries. Living in this city has become a luxury you must really desire, which I find I don’t. Not even sure it’s still a luxury, as the city doesn’t excite me like it used to.

When I lived in such an apartment in Johannesburg’s CBD in the early 1980s, it was called a bachelor’s flat. My new wife and I slept on its single bed. Rent was $100 per month.

Mike - C'mon man. Like this is news? This hasn't change in the last 25 years. Gotten even worse? Maybe. But the money people just keep encroaching on everyone else in NYC. Disappointing? Yes. But old news? For certain.

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