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Wednesday, 28 February 2024


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Two: That's not surprising about Emily Blunt's kids. The whole point of Mary Poppins is that she's *not* your mother, nor anyone else's. She's magical! Those kids are lucky they had an alternative Mary to believe in. Probably lucky for Emily, too.

Three: I apologize for being the 57th reader to say: "Great Scott!"

As you may know, PL Travers was the subject of the movie "Saving Mr. Banks". She was played by Emma Thompson and was shown to be a difficult person to work with. I wonder if that might have been exaggerated to some extent. They do play actual tapes of her over the credits.

Right, the picture on the album cover was called ‘Stick Man’ ? In that day and age in Great Britain and in (the rest of) Europe a ‘stick’ was the word mostly used for what American hippies called ‘a joint’, so …

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