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Saturday, 20 January 2024


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Hi Mike,

I’d suggest a play on mono.

In my pre-caffeinated state, the best I could manage is Potonom.

A quick search reveals it might be a name, I’m not sure.

Will come back this evening if I think of anything during the day.

Before claiming your pseudonym, buy the URL associated with it.

John S. Chameli

My grandfather always wanted someone to name a baby Converse Guy (Con Guy). He thought it would be hilarious. He was a child of the 19th century and told me he once ate lunch with Lizzie Borden. Of course you can’t publish this if you decide to use it as a pseudonym

Best wishes for a speedy recovery from your pacemaker implant next week. Electricians usually are interesting people, more than plumbers….(it’s an insider joke, your doctor will be able to explain).
You probably will be instructed not to raise the arm on the side of the implant, above your head for a few weeks. Unless you get a leaderless pacemaker.

And yes the brain gets a large share of the cardiac output (15-20%) compared to its weight (3 pounds or 1/60 of body weight).

My suggestion for a pseudonym is Booth Rushing, a combination of names in my family's history. I always thought it had a artistic ring to it. :)

Kim Stonejohn. Jim Honkstone. John Notemski. Honest Jon Kim. And so on, anagrammatically..


Of course, now we all want to know what that off-color actor's name was.

As the name Johnston derives from John's town, do you have a middle name you can append "ton" to?

That's the only sensible suggestion I can come up with. Others like D. Max, Len Scap and Red Bayer are all a bit too obvious...

Mike wrote… “When I stated to get the hang of ignoring the spelling…”

That’s funny.

Maybe I should have explained that "John S. Chameli" is a first-last name swap + abbreviation + anagram.

I am ever amused when speakers of British English mock American accents. For some reason I find their fun-house mirror version of my own accent hilarious.

Alec Prime (I Like Primes).

I read L.T. Gray as "light gray" and immediately thought that would be a pretty cunning code name for a photographer/spy.

Hi Mike, couple of other thoughts on some Nom de plumes, going with the mono theme.
- Snowy Noir
- Blanco Noir (hmm, might be taken in the clothing world)
- Blanco Black
- Raven White, Raven Whyte

I’ve been watching old Monty Python skits on YouTube lately so the following come to mind as possible pseudonyms. :-)

Harry “Snapper” Organs
Dinsdale Piranha
Spiny Norman

[I don't see breaks on the initial editing screen, so I thought you were suggesting "Harry 'Snapper' Organs Dinsdale Piranha Spiny Norman" as one name. Which would win, I think. --AKA Mike]

M. DaGeure

He always shot in greyscale.

Way back (early '70s), when I took Russian, our text used descriptions and diagrams of tongue and other mouth-part positions to try to teach us how to make the various weird noises, particularly the ones not used in English. I have no idea if I had decent pronunciation, but at least it made it much easier to do what they wanted us to do!

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