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Saturday, 20 January 2024


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Sounds like someone should get a hobby….oh, maybe they already have one.

Understandable if unfortunate. Perhaps we can share our submissions? I would not mind seeing others. Here was mine, a house photo I took on a walk on Thanksgiving night in Duluth, MN a few years ago. With a Fuji XH1 and the 23mm F2.

House on Thanksgiving Night

Why cancel it? Go ahead and you win. Yes, I submitted an image and have been wondering why we have not seen the images. Cancelling due to one scrote does not seem right.

I don't understand how someone harassing you about the contest leads to canceling it, nor what you mean by 'a neutral way out.' Perhaps a little more explanation? If not, that's okay; I'm sure there will be another contest sometime.

[I can't really explain it further than I have already. I don't actually know the situation--I mean, how could I? What's the fellow's real motivation? What's his mental state? How deep does his animosity actually go? Is he sane and just pissed off for some reason, or unstable? What would he stoop to for revenge? What might set him off? Why doesn't he just go away if he doesn't like what he finds here? (That's what I would do, and in fact have done.) I have no solid evidence or factual basis to know any of these things. It's a delicate situation and I'm in the dark. But I've had very negative experiences in the past that this one resembles, and that makes me wary. --Mike]

Mike, no one needs that kind of grief, particularly you, now. This is your house, your rules, we are happy to visit.

It's only because you rely on TOP for a livelihood that I don't recommend flipping off everyone and leaving the aggravation behind. May you soon reach a point where Social Security affords sufficient income to do just that. Thanks for all you've written and will write in the future. Take care of your health issues and get well soon.

Having been in the blogging game for over 20 years, I know these things happen. I think the online world is particularly prone to it because you get people who are just addicted to being permanently connected and an almost indelible archive of e-evidence that can be marshalled in support of someone's obsession. Anyway, I'm sorry that this has happened to you Mike, particularly on top of other troubles. TOP is a valuable service and most of us appreciate what you do.

Maybe you're more important than you think you are and that's why they go after you.

Looking at it from the other side, a company can find itself in hell on earth because some random stranger on the web criticized them and it went viral.

Thanks for the update. I always appreciate you sharing how the sausage is made. From past posts I learned how moderating comments could be arduous, but I had never thunk about your exposure to wackos. I guess this just shows how good your moderation is. You shield us from the crazy. A rare and precious thing on the Internet.

[Honestly, it's not that bad. Aside from this situation, it's been a long time since I've disallowed a single comment. I did have to edit a few recently, but the commenters didn't complain and I think they know why I did it and didn't mind.

I also check older comments from people whose comments I'm considering editing or deleting. If they have a history of good (friendly/helpful/thoughtful) comments, I give them more leeway. Sometimes I find I've misinterpreted something someone wrote, or jumped to a conclusion.

I remember one quite funny situation. A guy started commenting who was picking fights with other commenters. I worked with him for a while, via email, explaining that I don't allow insults, arguing, fighting, hostile back-and-forth, etc. Finally, he said something like, "But I LIKE to fight! That's why I get on the internet! If you're not going to let me fight, then I'M LEAVING!"

And I typed back, "bye."

Haven't seen him since! :-D --Mike]

I read a research article somewhere that the trolls on the net usually also are jerks in real life, and that the real people around them also think they are jerks. So no need to feel that you have been singled out by a troll.

And do not feed the trolls by acknowledging them. That will only make matters worse.

Those that have criticized you for “giving in” don’t understand what it means to be harassed online and I understand why you just said forget it. They don’t understand that you do this because you like to do it and not for their benefit and a chance to be published on your site.

For your next dozen, I suggest including something to the effect that you will get it done when you do, anyone who contacts you about it will be disqualified.

I certainly agree with the comment that it's your house, hence your rules.

It's unfortunate that these sort of situations happen seemingly more frequently as the Internet more easily allows pseudonymic or anonymous postings where people to spew forth with little personal consequence.

It's interesting that someone baldly announced that they like to fight and hence to troll, insult, and start fights. That's unfortunate, much too common, and rather "mental". My psychologist wife terms it "just crazy".

That would seem especially so regarding the person who did not even submit anything and hence doesn't even have standing to complain about an action that didn't even occur. It sounds like the sort of person who would be prone to randomly harassing strangers.

Kirk Tuck has also written about similar experiences writing his excellent blog. Comment moderation is tedious but definitely important in terms of maintaining a blog where people enjoy interacting. Thank you!

FWIW - I've been a trial lawyer for over 45 years and it's very clear that life is much more productive and pleasant when people sit down and solve misunderstandings and disputes in a civil manner, with a bit of patience, rather than exorcising their internal demons by spewing vituperation upon the rest of society.

About 98% of cases settle before trial, and that's how it should work. You can extrapolate to at least one of the parties in the 2% that do go to trial. A forensic psychologist who worked for the CA court system told me that such people are often those who get their kicks making life miserable for others so that they can feel personally important or superior.

I went years thinking that the company I worked for did ‘bad things’. Then I realized the ‘company’ did no such thing. People at the company, working for the company, did bad things. I think there would probably have been just a single person at Hasselblad responsible for your harassment, operating either on self motivation or under direction, pulling all the levers they can.

[True, and I know who it was. I could say lots more, but I won't. --Mike]

Don't really what you say can be true. How does anybody keep you from posting? Explanation or I'm out of here!

[It's my judgment that this is the best way to handle this. After much thought and consideration. --Mike]

Given the number of times you have written about the fragile income this blog provides to you it's very off-putting and unprofessional to make a public ask and then not follow through on your plan. Doesn't bode well for keeping me (and maybe others) around for long.

Thanks, Mike, for the update. As someone who submitted a photo, I had been wondering about the delay, and I am so sorry to hear that you have to experience something like this from a simple call for photo submissions. And a good call not to proceed. I want to thank you for the opportunity to submit as it gave me an unexpected opportunity to dwell on personal grief associated with a photo I took in my small hometown in Georgia, in 1974, on a site I revisited last year. I put the photo and my commentary on both FaceBook and Instagram if anyone is interested: http://tinyurl.com/OldHouseFB


Perhaps you could remind your readers that the reason we are here, and some of us pay you a pittance for the privilege, (Sorry. About the alliteration I mean. OK, also for the size of the pittance) is that we want to read what you choose to write. I don't think you have ever said "follow my blog for the chance to have your photographer ego stroked by submitting your photos"

Changing announced plans about the Baker's Dozen is far from a breach of contract in my humble opinion. And I had submitted a masterpiece that was SURE to be in the top 13 of House!

Before I moved I was harassed for years by my next door neighbour, aided by the connivance of the local council. So I can see why you do not want the aggravation of dealing with this cyberbully.

I think the best thing for you to do is to announce another Baker's Dozen as soon as you can. Remember, nil illegitimi carborundum!

This is kind of funny!
I was actually thinking to participate in this baker's dozen with this picture:

National Museum in Prague

But I was not sure, if it would really fit, as it is not a "house" as such, but a museum.
So now, I do not really need to care and inspired by John's comment above, I simply post it here.
It it definitely a wonderful building (National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic), heavily restored in 2019 and beautifully illuminated.
Enjoy and have a good Sunday!

I am sorry that you have had this bizzarre problem, with something quite innocent like a photo contest.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of mental illness bobbing around the internet, which I guess is the perfect medium for these sad sick people, safely hidden behind a keyboard.

I had a little problem with a guy on the DPR forum. He wrote a post complaining that his camera broke down after shooting 18,000 shots in an afternoon. A civil reply that using the motor-drive a bit more selectively might be a good solution. A couple of replies finished with him wishing me a slow death from cancer.

This was pretty much his style, and the Mods, at DPR seemed to tolerate this stuff. I was told to mind my own buisness when I asked them why he was still allowed to post on the forum.

But if you follow any big forum for a while, thre are lots of these unpleasant behaviors to be seen.

Dear Mr. Johnston, you have proven over several decades that you conduct your public writing work both in print media and in your blog at a very high content, cultural, strategic, human level. You are even very generous in making your knowledge available to us for free.
In my eyes, you deserve the utmost respect and a very high leap of faith. You are under no obligation to your readers to provide detailed background information on your strategic decisions, let alone to seek approval for your decisions.
It's your blog, your rules of the game. Actually, this situation should be self-evident to any civilized reader.
I send you my best wishes and much strength from Germany.

Wow, that’s terrible, Mike. Commiserations.

But the unsympathetic comments on your decision to cancel are especially disappointing. The last thing you need at this particular point is further criticism.

Chin up. Good times around the corner. Live for them.

What Lother Adler and Terry Burnes said. I don’t like repeating what’s already been said, but am doing it to let you know there is at least one more grateful reader who holds their POVs.

Was wondering why the prolonged delay, figured it was due to your recent 'unwellness,' and just decided it would happen when it happens- especially since over the years, I've learned one shouldn't be in any particular hurry to be rejected. I just kinda cringe thinking this bully got away spoiling everyone's day. Wanna say ya shouldn't have caved, but am mindful that all my confrontations with bullies have not always fared well either...

What is wrong with people!? Mike, I appreciate you and your writing and this blog are enriching to my life in some small way. We don't pay a membership. You OWE us nothing. Even if we send in money to support your efforts, you owe us nothing. I get that someone might be disappointed if they submitted an image for a Bakers Dozen and it never materialized, but upset to the point of threatening you? Calling it bullshit? It's so unfortunate that you have to put up with that nonsense. You didn't charge an entry fee! It's a fun contest. My best to you and your health!

To use a phrase from the Peanuts gang: Good grief!

So sorry you were subjected to this, Mike. I was really looking forward to seeing the submissions for this one (and it was the first for which I'd struck up the courage to join!) but I can completely understand why it's had to end this way.

Another time, perhaps!

I can only echo what John Gillooly and many others have written. Your blog is a (free) oasis of enlightened commentary, full of humour, insight and knowledge. Your main duty is to look after your physical and mental health Mike, so please carry on doing just that.

Sad! And sorry you had to deal with the abuse, and make this choice.

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