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Wednesday, 17 January 2024


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Nice work with colors! But the floors have that gawd-awful ersatz glue-down vinyl crap that is supposed to remind you of what wood floors once looked like. Yuck.

I note that the red-door house is in Peoria. Doesn't your son and grandson live around there?

Here's one of those longer blog comments that nobody reads. The NYT has a feature in which they introduce a couple and tell you about their house hunt, budget and etc. Then they tell you about three possibilities they look at, ask you which one you would choose (with stats from other readers) and finally, which one they actually choose. I'm fascinated by disparities between Manhattan and the Midwest. People in Manhattan spend $1 million for eight hundred square feet. Period. Many don't even have a washing machine or dryer.

Then not too long ago, they profiled a woman with quite a small budget looking for a place in Minneapolis, and Minneapolis ain't exactly chopped liver. If I remember correctly, she spent something like $260,000 for a 1500-square foot house with a nice backyard not far from some beautiful, walkable lakes, and ten minutes from downtown on a bus. Manhattan has some nice cultural advantages, but not that nice.

Oh, and there is an infinite difference between beige walls and white walls. MoMA has white walls, Motel 6 and hospitals have beige.

My comment about house changes is also relevant to the $1million audio system. Money spent on renovating perfectly good houses is unquantifiable and with a bit of commonsense unnecessary.
Building/decorating houses to 'SHOW' off is very similar to the audio guy. It is like an illness.

How much do you need to spend to be able to slap water on yourself or to cook some veg and meat. It is nothing to do with washing and cooking but another deeper need.

Jeebus. What a mess.

I live in Central Texas and the black exterior is getting big around here for flipped houses with three done recently within a few blocks of me. All three were originally some sort of medium color brick and now look kinda bleahhh! At least the brick had some variation in color and texture.

I would take one look and walk away since I can't imagine painting the house black will do great things for summer cooling bills. 105 and sunny on a black building.....

The picture of the front of the house makes me think of Robert Adams. Either thevarchitect or the owner must have got sick of black and white photography. Or more likely always hated it.

Mike, used to work very close to the color house when I lived in Morton. There is a road in Detweiler park that rivals any road in California for driving pleasure. Used to take the Miata there all the time. But the road buried in the park was special as no one used it and it had a copy of the corkscrew at Laguna Seca in reverse. Absolutely amazing.

Mike in Auburn

Mike! There's a pool table!

Hmm, guess I don’t like strong colour, at least not in houses.

If I approached that kitchen after a night out, it would likely make things worse. And the basement floor looks like the consequences…

But more seriously, there’s not much in the way of a garden & plants outside. Is it really cold in Peoria? Having stated that, the trend for dark greys etc in housing exterior (here in Australia too) really goes against common sense & cost efficiency in cooling.

I get your point about the bright colours & joyful home life, but maybe that’s the intended impression, given it’s up for sale. The cynic in me asks what are all the bright colours distracting us from?

All I can think is 'wow your housing is cheap'- and the thought that £250k is 'cheap' says enough on its own...Imagining being able to buy a house here is like imagining being able breathe water, and that price wouldn't buy you a small 2up/2 down. It probably wouldn't buy you a one-bed. Americans should spend more time being thrilled at how cheap their housing and fuel is - they really don't know when they're lucky.

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