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Friday, 22 December 2023


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I'm in the process of giving all my paperbacks to the local library. I had a tree come through my roof, the second one in a year, and must move my bookcases out of the room. The bookcases are floor to ceiling, stacked 3 deep with books. I've donated 10 boxes so far and haven't put a dent in them. The Amish kid that fixed my ceiling the last time is coming in January. My wife was overjoyed when I bought a Kindle.

Don't forget the "Beltway skim" - picking up a new tell-all book at the bookstore and immediately going to the name index in the back to see if you're included.

A while back I read a fascinating article on the history of Anna Karenina translations. The translators that tried to make it sound good to the British reader. The translators that tried to convey the Russian mental state evoked by Tolstoy's writing structure. The things that worked and did not. It was a great piece of work, and I can't find it.

I did find this shorter article that has a table at the bottom highlighting what each translation brings to the table: https://tolstoytherapy.com/best-translation-anna-karenina/. So much in translation is about the context of the author and the context of the reader, because they can never quite line up.

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