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Thursday, 23 November 2023


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I imagine the dish in the foreground is a British-style pudding, but can’t make out what’s sticking out of it.

The fake smiles give it away as AI generated. (Not to mention all the, er, odd appendages.) People didn't smile like that, painters didn't paint people smiling like that, etc. It's an artifact of training AI with random (stolen) social media photos.


You wrote: Spiritually healthy people have gotten over that childish expectation.

You are right. Spiritually healthy people can relate that "godliness with contentment is great gain".

Artist, huh? O.K., who ever came up with that
Rembrandt lighting thing.

Buddha said that all life was suffering. At least that is how the teaching is traditionally translated. I read a while ago that 'disappointment' would be a better translation. Looking at my own life I have to agree. Almost none of it turned out as I envisioned and therein lies the problem. We humans have expectations and our expectations are rarely met. Even when they are they are frequently not as satisfying as we thought they would be. The trick is to let go of the past and live in the moment. When we manage to do that, the present is pretty nice for most of us most of the time and it is ont there is the old saying "This too shall pass".

I'm no expert. But surely that image is AI generated?

You've got a dusty dry sense of humour sometimes Mike. So I don't know if I'm being unkind. Or if I've totally missed the obvious joke here?

$3.99 on Etsy. I like extra hands, don't get me wrong. And dystopian faces don't upset me as much as they used to. But that image is wrong on at least 53 levels that I'm consciously aware of. And a few that I can't put my finger on.

Was there maybe an earlier draft of this, that had a pickpocket trying to steal his knife and fork? And it just sort of slipped by quality control...

If this is where AI is. I think we're okay for the moment.

[Yes, it's clearly generative AI. And I had to buy the rights to use it. --Mike]

That's one scary scene.

Gratitude lists are good ideas. Someone once gave me a trick to keep the daily list fresh, which was to keep it to 3 things experienced in the last 24 hours. Happy Thanksgiving!

As often is the case, placing the cursor on the picture adds some additional information. Here it reads: "Thanksgivingai".

Happiness is self-inflicted.

It’s funny that you had to pay for the rights to use the AI image but the AI didn’t have to pay for the right to steal from the images it trained on. Arbitrage at limitless scale.

Yeah, I'm big into the self pity party genre- and I know I have way lots more than I can even properly think of to be thankful for...

Fourteen years ago, when my 15 year old daughter came to live with me, we agreed to two rules. And they were the glue that made the next years some of the best of my lifetime.

1. Before dinner, every day, we had to share three good things from that day. Even on the crappiest day we'd ever had.

2. We could never say sorry.

No. 2 was an entirely original thought on my part. If you can't use sorry, it makes you very mindful of not being unkind—because there's no way to 'wind it back.' It also made you forgive more quickly, because you were looking for the word written on the other's face. And if found, it would trigger forgiveness.

I'm glad he was a good friend to you but that seems like someone I would not like to be around. The way you describe him seems like someone who wasn't comfortable expressing any negativity and couldn't accept it from others. While I think it's a positive value to put a positive spin on the things that happen to you, to impose that on someone else, in expecting them not to complain about their circumstances, seems like the opposite of empathy, which to me is the chief human value.

I like to bellyache occasionally. Perhaps more than occasionally. But as a nurse I see people whose situations are oftentimes obviously terrible but who oftentimes seem to feel like they need to spin them positively. The other night I was putting an IV into a woman who had been paralyzed from her chest down in at ATV accident. She didn't bring it up but I asked her what happened. I was like "that (effing) sucks" and she smiled. I'm sure days go by where no one really acknowledged the gross suckitude of her essential situation.

I do meet patients, oftentimes those who are addicted to drugs and in particular, meth, which is absolutely awful stuff, who non stop complain and blame people. It gets old but I have no idea what happened to them prior. Raped by a priest? Grew up poor or in some awful foster situation? My life has been pretty great. I can stand to listen to them complain, even if sometimes it's nails on the blackboard. At least, I try.

The other part is that people's complaints are interesting. Why are most of the great songs about screwed up relationships? Because good ones are boring to hear about. Jesus. Tell me about how your relationship is going bad, please. That's a good story.

Anyway, I don't generally make friends with people who are averse to a little bellyaching. I'm up for hearing their bellyaching too. Life, even good life, can seriously blow chunks sometimes. I am not inclined to suffer in silence. I like people who are good listeners.

Just saying.

AI needs a good bit of improvement. It missed adding HCB with an M11 Monochrome and 35mm f0.01 lens.

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