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Wednesday, 04 October 2023


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Racehorse confirmation portraits? I had no idea horses were religious! Or should that be "conformation"? I'd never heard of either type before, TBH, so pre-prepared to eat, um, hay.


I know you weren't trying for an exhaustive list, but I would like to add at least two:

The general Maker phenomenon, as exemplified by SparkFun: https://www.sparkfun.com/

and collecting calculators like on this forum:

The idea of taking the same photo periodically, e.g., every day, was an unexpected plot twist in the 1995 movie Smoke with Harvey Keitel and William Hurt. The photography sidebar was a poignant moment in a very good film.

From Sept 26th..
“Mike replies: APS-H would have made a great long-term standard size. If we knew then what we know now. It's 3:4, too.”

Still wrong.

[Fixed now...finally. Thanks for keeping after me about this.

What happens is that I make changes on posts, but I'll often have the post open in several different tabs. So I'll publish the corrected or expanded version, which is as it should be. Then I'll inadvertently go to the wrong tab to make another correction, and publish that version, thus wiping away the corrections, additions, or Featured Comments I already thought I added.

I try not to let this happen, and I have several safeguards in place to prevent it, but it still does happen sometimes. I depend on the kindness of sharp-eyed readers like you to help me out. --Mike]

When it comes to photography as a hobby, it often combines with other hobbies. When I was racing sports cars (one of many car related hobbies), I knew a few guys who attended races shooting photos of the racers and selling prints to participants and magazines - one made it his primary business. I shot thousands of photos in the 60s and early 70s, scanned them, posted om my website in the late 90s and then gave the originals to the Watkins Glen racing library. All told I've contributed to more than a dozen books and many magazines.
I know photographers who shoot all kinds of events they are interested in - outdoors/hiking/climbing/surfing/sailing, etc. - often selling some work. How about the astrophotography enthusiasts who do beautiful photos and discover comets occasionally?
I've been very active in documenting visits to architectural sites like Frank Lloyd Wright sites and art we see in visiting galleries, two of our favorite interests.
Then there is travel photography, probably the biggest number of participants, perhaps only following documenting the family.
In all these cases, the primary purpose might be documentation but it's generally done with an artistic sense.
If any hobby crosses over into other hobbies more than photography, I can't imagine what it could be.

IWTH is right. Got an OM-1! It’s possible I’d be happy taking iPhone pictures, but if I have my glasses on I can’t focus on the screen, and if I don’t I can’t see the subject. OM-1’s got a nice big EVF, so I can actually compose on purpose. Makes me happy.

You hit the nail on the head Mike, or maybe multiple nails. Now that I’m a couple years into retirement, I no longer identify as a city planner, or even a retired city planner; instead I’m a retired guy who takes photographs, goes on bike rides, bakes sourdough bread, and digs for clams. I had non-work interests — hobbies if you will — during my working years, but lacked the time to pursue them to my heart’s content. More time translates into more miles on the bike, more rolls of film through the camera, and lots of hours in the darkroom. Bread-making and clam digging are self-limiting by how much bread we can eat, and the tide tables. Hobbies involving the collection of things have limited appeal to me, with the possible exception of my own prints. By the way, my daughter climbs walls in climbing gyms. I like the picture of Xander— did you take it?

[Yes. iPhone 13, my "colors camera." --Mike]

Hi Mike,
It’s funny that you mention the Flatiron as a famous photo location. My wife and I traveled to New York last year and I tried to get a photo of the Flatiron from Steichen’s point of view. (That’s one of my favorite photos from that era) I got close to where he stood but that intersection has become so cluttered, it’s not really worth showing the pic to anybody. (Of course the wonderful branch sweeping into his shot is long gone and the carriage has been replaced with giant busses) It was a fun, noisy experience.

Best Regards,
Robert Mann

Bicycling mixed with photography-


I have four hobbies that dovetail nicely ...

Buying food, cooking, eating and photography

(Not quite in that order(

I started “serious” photography in high school (in the late 60s). I consider myself an amateur in the classic sense of the word. I do it because I want to. At times, I have received money for doing things photographic; I put myself through college doing weddings, for instance. (Never again!) I always thought it ruined the hobby to try and make money from it.

I think my first paid photo work was in 9th grade, probably. Never ever made any significant portion of my income from it; probably never showed a profit (at least over a 3-year period; sometimes 1 year might show a small net profit on photography, but the adjacent years tended to then show much bigger losses). But am currently selling my first photo book and prints from the project.

And—taking the slideshow software with the working "interaction box" (where people standing by the TV watching the show can push buttons to somewhat control the show, bring up more info on the slide, go forwards and backwards, things like that) to an SF convention for the very first time this weekend. And assembled 15 new slideshows for this use.

Photography combines really well with other hobbies; travel and science fiction fandom for me, I guess. But also just life; my prosthetic visual memory.

Being "the photographer" in a social group is in some ways a lot like being the official event photographer (weddings, or whatever, which I have done relatively few times). Quite often the best photos of the event do not come from the official photographer, but they (have to) get reliably good photos of all the key sub-events.

“…the difference between a hoarder and a collector is organization. If it's organized, you're not a hoarder.” Great insight, I’ll remember that, but I would add another level: value. If it’s organised but largely junk in terms of tradeworthiness, you’re still a hoarder. Hence the term “it’s a collectible” is almost synonymous with higher market value. Collectors collect collectibles. Heh.

[I have to diasgree. No one knows what is collectible. Consider the George Thomason collection of English Civil War pamphlets. It's considered now to be among the greated collections of primary materials in English history, but it was nearly a hundred years before it was finally sold to the British Museum--for a bargain basement price! And, search "Trough of No Value" on this website. No one knows now what the future will value. --Mike]

The world doesn’t need any more acronyms, especially ones that only 4 people in the world can remember what they mean. After reading the entire post and the comments I had to go back to the top to refresh my memory as to its exact meaning. Rant over hobby is a perfectly fine word.
I agree that the act of monetizing a hobby turns it into a much different experience. I ruined one hobby, wood working and finishing, by turning it into a business so I have worked hard to keep photography from turning into a business. Very successful I might add. My photography has developed several side hobbies/collections, some physical like old film cameras and some photographic.

I am often quite happy with the photos I get. I enjoy the hobby.

But as soon as someone wants to BUY one, suddenly they are not good enough for me! This spoils the hobby.

Yes no one knows what the future will value and what it won’t

From what I've seen, "It's a collectible" is synonymous with no resale market. "Collectible" is a marketing designation for things produced recently in large quantities, which strongly discourages high prices.

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