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Sunday, 22 October 2023


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A photo a day keeps the doctor away.
Especially if you aim well.

That reminds me a little of what Brooks Jensen talks about, only when driving with a friend on a photo excursion. They would set an interval, maybe 20 minutes, and every 20 minutes they would pull off the road and find a picture. It didn't matter how ugly or boring the scene looked, they only needed a safe spot to pull off. He said it was both a challenge, and that the randomness of the spots allowed them to get photos they would not have taken otherwise. The temptation is to wait for the perfect spot, and it might never arrive.

Mike, there is an oratorio of the Some Photos Of That Day project. I think you might be in it. I don’t know much about it other than a sample that was forwarded to me where I go nude bathing in a popular pond. For those who don’t know, an oratorio is sort of like an opera, except not so much with the sets and costumes, although obviously this has some visuals.
Performances are Apr 12—14, 2024 and there are still some seats available.
I am told that the venue is rather spectacular https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/13/arts/design/perelman-performing-arts-center-review.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare

I could never figure out how Jamie had the discipline to only take one photo a day.

Was impressed with a project you linked to in a post back in 2009, "Larry Strung made a portrait a day of his fellow residents of Hamilton, Ontario, for an entire year." (https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/01/hamilton-ontari.html)

Couldn't do the likes of people photography daily myself, but the thought of doing a photo-a-day was noted. Some time later, in replies to another post, there was mention of Blipfoto. I started using that in 2011, and have been using it near enough ever since. Miss the odd days now again, and there are plenty of dross days when mojo or time is lacking.

This does potentially tie in with other previous topics here: one camera, one lens, one year (OCOLOY), and variants of it; and filtering/selecting just a single photo from days of plenty.

You nailed it when with "mindset". PAD/PAW or whatever other approach you choose is a pragmatic technique to trigger mindset. What works for me are exhibition deadlines (which compel me to produce) and vacations (because I have time to play and enjoy)...

Seems like this might finally be the time to take out that M Monochrom (if you still have it), with the goal to write something about it once you’ve exercised it, and you.

PAD and PAW seem to me methods for camera owners in panic. They have bought this expensive gear and now they have to do something with it. Doesn’t matter what.
The approach that works best for me is to find an interesting subject and then make a narrative about it. Can be anything.
Not all the images haven to be equally good when you when you’re telling a story and sometimes I end with only two or three nice images. I am just as much a gear head as most TOP readers, but the subject always comes first.

I am reminded of Jim Brandenburg's "Chased by the Light," (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLv4MhVq0Mg), but he clicked the shutter just once a day!

A few years ago our local camera club decided on a project or assignment for each of us to take a photo, just one, every day for 30 days. Most of us did that.
Of course the quality varied with each of us, I found it to be a challenging and stimulating assignment. My seeing a worthwhile photo improved with the self imposed limit.
I also found without the push to do this I stopped after the 30 days.
I've go to get back to it.

I'm glad you're in a good picture-making groove, Mike. It often feels, to me at least, that those prolific spurts are harder to come by as life becomes more life-filled.

On this, and I don't wish to come across as highfalutin and worthy, but the comment "...I need to take an hour and get in the car or at least make sure that the camera is in the car and ready to go" stood out to me.

Might I suggest you try, where feasible, swapping the car for a bike, Mike? The cycling pace is mindful enough to really take in the details but sufficiently brisk to see enough to keep you occupied.

Full disclosure – I have skin in the game as staff for a cycling website, and I'm a big baby non-driver, but the thought of seeking out new scenes at driving speed sounds hard. Equally, apologies if you're already going by bike with a camera in tow and that was a massive unsolicited egg-sucking tutorial!

Jim Brandenberg did this some years ago and it ended up as a book: Chased by the Light.(published, 2001)
Three months of one shot each day. Only one, no do overs.
Was looking for a way to recharge his enthusiasm for photography. As a National Geographic shooter things were getting to him. So he took time off and photographed the natural world around his home.

Youtube videos of the process are pretty good viewing.

I've always found that going out 'looking for photos' hardly ever works. Something about putting myself in the wrong mindset. This just relates to personal / street / candid / of course and excludes specific project-type photography. You can't make photos happen. Best just to have a camera and let the photos look after themselves. I'll re-quote Jane Bown, as I do every now and again. "The best photos arrive uninvited". (I could be paraphrasing that)


"I seemed to take a lot of good pictures whenever I was reviewing a camera. Why was that?”

I know a fair few musicians. Many of them have said various variations on ’Every instrument has songs in it.’ Meaning that each individual instrument seems to bring out specific things, things that are often quite new, different or unique. Really, it’s just that when they play different instruments the instruments respond uniquely, making them, in effect, play different things, and new to them instruments can bring out things they wouldn’t usually do. Johnny Marr was on some kind of guitar nerd YouTube channel recently, with both him and the hosts saying this.*

I wonder if that applies to picking up different cameras, especially ones that are not familiar to us?

Peace & all the good stuff,
* here (somewhere): https://youtu.be/NjY2O92ByNw?si=aXTmF0yufbLwm-Ec

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