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Saturday, 02 September 2023


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What are the dimensions - makes a huge difference when trying to understand it - is the kitchen 4 or 7 feet deep. A huge library is quite special - but is it fit for a home cinema and audio room - could be combined.

When do submissions close?

[Depends how fast they come in. It gets unwieldy if I get too many, but I need enough. If you know what I mean. But I'll give you plenty of warning. Probably weekend after next, in that general time-frame somewhere. --Mike]

Mike: . . . you have quite a feel for architecture. You should give this Baker's Dozen a go.

How many ya want? As Jimmy Durante (anybody remember him?) used to say, albeit in a somewhat different context, “I got a million of ’em.”

The Mallory House photo bears close inspection. I love the guy about to hit a croquet ball, and only noticed him after seeing the wickets. The photo is full of stories.

I have been reading your work since the 37th Frame and you have now made me look up a word. Elegaic. Beautiful word.


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