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Wednesday, 30 August 2023


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I think the comments about photography ending are all from people who think painting ended when cheap acrylics became available.

Just because the medium and tools have changed doesn't mean the artform is dead. It just means you have more practitioners at the beginners end of the spectrum, because beginning is easy now.

And that's a great thing.

I can no longer enjoy athletics because of the widespread use of performance enhancing drugs. It's a bit like digital photography: impressive but you can't always believe what you're seeing. Of the 50 fastest men's 100m times, all but 15 have been posted by sprinters who have been busted in one way or another. All of those 15 times were recorded by Bolt. Was he using PEDs? He WAS the sport and there's no way the authorities would ever have allowed him to be caught if he were.

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