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Wednesday, 26 July 2023


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My favorite photographer of wheat-fields is Don Kirby, a classic large format black & white maven from the Pacific Northwest who is now 87 years old. His book Wheatcountry (2005) is beautiful, with 40 duotone plates. I believe it is still available via his website. His book Grasslands is equally solemn and beautiful.

We don't grow wheat in my neck of the woods. Therefore I've never seen a wheatfield. Farms were replaced by houses many years ago.

I've never seen a need for a Flickr account. YMDoesV

Over the years you’ve tested many cameras,lenses and shooting genres. Do you now consider yourself a, “landscape photographer” ?

I recently learned I could display my most viewed pictures on my Flickr About page and I was surprised to see that people like pictures of cows. I poked around a little and found that the cow print pattern was a recent trend and can be found on clothing, purses, mugs and all sorts of things. Whodathunk.

I have to confess. At first glance, I thought it was a lake. I guess I've never seen a wheat field. Phil

I’ve driven and walked past a lot of wheat fields and the feeling I get from these modern short stemmed varieties is that the surface looks so solid that one could walk on it. The uniformity is unnatural and slightly disturbing.

I sympathize with you on the wheat field quest. I have searched for a nice cranberry bog shot for quite some time with little success. In fact I only have a couple of actual exposures, the rest have not been worth of wasting the storage space for the pixels involved. I do have what I remember as a nice shot of cows in a field with the ocean in the background. However I apparently never posted it to my 500px page so I can’t send you a link, sorry.

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