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Sunday, 14 May 2023


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The Washington Post link also describes the call as an inquiry regarding the ticket price, not to purchase a ticket, and says the firing was a year later, over a salary dispute. These were two of the three differences from your post that I was referring to. The only remaining difference was whether or not the call was actually to the airline, or acted out in studio. Regardless, my main point was that Stern eventually recognized his demons, sought help through therapy and made some apologies. I also threw in the Letterman reference , since you wrote about him, and because Stern and he had a very complicated long term relationship (see Jimmy Kimmel’s well publicized interview with Letterman on the topic).

Lee's grandson, Giancarlo, is a super nice guy.
Bought a book from him last winter. There's a great interview with him and his grandfather at the NYPL, which is searchable on YouTube.

Lastly, "Friedlander First 50" is a great book, and features Giancarlo in some of the transcribed reminisces about the first 50 books.

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