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Thursday, 20 April 2023


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Mike, you have started to sound like you are 96 instead of 66.

Hopefully you can work through this and shed the “when I was a little boy” tone with everything; you’re not that old.

If I were a rich man
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
All day long, I'd biddy biddy bum
If I were a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work hard
Ya ba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dibba dum
If I were a biddy biddy rich yidle-diddle-didle-didle man

When you are ready to move to a smaller house nearer to facilities you will find it’s too late. If it’s a good idea it needs to be done long before it’s ‘necessary’.

My Uncle George worked for a big corporation at many locations around the US. In middle age, he and his wife were transferred back to the company headquarters. After working there for seven years, he felt that he was there for the remainder of his career, so they designed and built their dream home. A month before they could move in, he was transferred to another location.

Some years later, they did knock on the door and ask the people living there if they could see “their” house.

I'm in my early 50's and we've just had our own house built. Can't imagine moving from here except for the inevitable. No mortgage either, it's a nice feeling to have. We're not rich, just prudent.

As for cameras I really cannot see me buying anything new. Too expensive and no need for it. However, second-hand Canon EOS 5D MK II are now about £250 ...

And I still drive my Mk I MX-5 (Miata) for fun. So I guess I'm doing alright. Thanks for reminding me, it's easy to forget sometimes!

The craving of money is an interesting thing. While I was working, I used to buy lottery tickets. I didn't do it because I thought I might win, there's no hope of that, but spending a dollar every week let me fantasize about winning enough money to stop working. I was never in love with any of my jobs. Being able to have that fantasy during idle moments was fun and worth a dollar.

When I retired, having enough set aside to afford me an ok lifestyle, I stopped buying lottery tickets. First, even if I won a lot of money now, I doubt my life would change much. Second, if I did win now, I'd be really ticked that I didn't win when I was forty so I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

Photographically, I'd stay with Olympus, no reason to change, but if I had a windfall, I might buy a medium format TLR because it seems like it would be fun to play with one.

A friend made me laugh once years ago. We were talking about lotteries and relationships. He said, if I won $10 million, the next time my wife pissed me off, I'd write her a cheque for $5 million and tell her to get lost.

"Really, to be well-off in the best sense, you would need to be able to sustain and support your present lifestyle without strain or worry."

That's the catch. Being satisfied with your present or future circumstances is a difficult thing for many Westerners, along with the horrid apotheosis of the ultra-rich in the media we consume.

Wasn't that Blaise Pascal?

"My letters, Reverend Fathers, have not been wont heretofore to follow so quickly, nor to extend to such length. My limited time is the cause of both the one and the other. I have been obliged to make the present too long, for the very reason that I had not the time to make it shorter."

/didactic tendencies off

I often try to play the Lottery game with my family ("what would you do if you won . . .?), but they all consider this to be species of self-delusion and refuse to engage. Me? I think I'd give nearly all of it away, as I already am the luckiest of men (although not lucky enough to win the Lottery). The fun is figuring out how to do so (give, not win). Here are some of the ideas floated with my non-playing family over the years.

I'd endow a local Math Academy, free to all those under the age of 25 who want to know more.

I'd establish a fund to provide a generous stipend for life to all those on my town's volunteer fire department who'd served 15 years. And I'd buy them all trucks.

I'd build a community solar array to offset the electricity bills of those who were least able to pay.

I'd fabricate a large-format digital imaging sensor that I could slip into my Zone VI.

I'd learn Italian.

In fact, I'd quit my job and become a full time student.

I'd watch the sun rise on all seven continents. See whales. See Elephants. Circumnavigate the US on a bicycle. Learn to fly. Get new knees. Buy Mike some health insurance.

There is no end to the mischief in which I'd engage.

But back to reality: I lived for a while in Jerusalem and there are many lottery games there. In fact you can sign up for a service that will "play your numbers" across a range of games every week. I once asked the man in my neighborhood why people paid him for this service. His answer? "Where else can you buy hope for a dollar?" (translated from shekels for the purposes of the anecdote.)

Let us know when you find a good way to get rid of stuff. I'm at the point where I want to downsize significantly from all the things 50+ years have accumulated!

This is a very good post Mike. Can't add much, actually don't want to add much.

Photo equipment wise, I find that tastes change in the details, but in reality I've been shooting with the same cameras for 30 years. At the end of the day, they're all about the size of a metal SLR, and the ones I really like have a metal lens barrel with an aperture control ring. I've probably had 10 iterations of the camera since we went digital.

Now I'm using a Veblen-good, "Limited Edition" Leica CL with a couple of Sigma Contemporary lenses. Every time I look at it it cracks me up. I have the "Urban Jungle" LE, number 150 of 150. Bought it used of course off eBay.

In the Pentax world, I got another "limited Edition" a few years back, the underrated KP with a lacquered wood grip and gold lettering. It was only for the Japanese market, but again, eBay helped out.

My very slight point here is, cameras long ago ceased to have real functional differences. All of the minute gradations that the manufacturers have been tacking on their equipment for at least 15 years really dont mean a hill of beans. The stuff that pleases me is form, not function.

Not Mark Twain, but Blaise Pascal.

Translated from the French, the 1657 letter ends with, "I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter."


My brother actually built his "Dream House" twice. He sat down with an architect and his wife and they designed it within a price ceiling and it was a fine house. He moved from where he was and went to the same architect and had him draw plans for the same house with all the little niggling things that bothered them in the first house.

They have been in it for thirty years and still love it.

On another subject from your post. I believe somebody did a fairly large and well thought out study on money and satisfaction. He/she found that at a certain income level (I remember $76,00.00) people were pretty content with their lives and not needing more. Very much above that level and they starting wanting to keep up with wealthier people and worried about their money.

We are odd little hairless apes.

If I had the money I would buy enlightenment from a Buddhist monk.

You'll get another camera, if you can get away from the idea that it represents work. You're basically a writer, and when you quit that, the camera may come to represent pure art-making.

You have a somewhat robber-baron attitude about money, that is, that people with a lot of money are bad. Well, some are, some aren't Excess is bad; people with excess money should give it away. But sufficient money is good (in our culture) as it enhances personal freedom. I'm pretty affluent, but I don't have much interest in money for money's sake, only for what I can do with it, which doesn't include multiple houses in warm places. My wife has a friend who was on the original cast of "Phantom of the Opera," which closed last Sunday in New York. As a past member of the cast, her friend was offered two free tickets to the last show. They had to get to New York on their own, though, from New Mexico. I'm affluent; so they went. That's what a reasonable amount of money can do for you.

I hope you haven't taken Social Security yet. If you can wait until you're 70 (and a half, I think) that's worth doing. The extra cash is the gift that keeps on giving, especially if you own your own home.

When it comes right down to cameras, I think you could probably accumulate them fairly cheaply, either as gifts from people one the forum who have more than they need, or, since you run a photo forum, as tax-deductible equipment. Shortly before you retire, you should take advantage of the tax deductibility by buying a new camera and whatever lenses you think you need. A new camera could last fifteen years...By very carefully curating your own photos, you could make a nice collection of Michael Johnston prints, printed by a pro printer, at relatively low cost. If you want a lot of prints, it would be expensive; if you want two a year, it's not.

As an old guy, older then. you, I've thought a lot about this stuff. Nice house, decent car, enough money for occasional reasonable indulgences, a few friends, and you're good to the grave.

"to paraphrase Mark Twain, I didn't have time to write a short one."

Who must have been paraphrasing Blaise Pascal

[True. Fixed now. --Mike]

I play your thought experiment game from time-to-time for photography. Generally it just makes me sad because I'm now well past the stage where I can fool myself into believing that new, better, or more expensive equipment is what I need to make stronger work. It's just not.

I've said more than once to other people that I don't need better gear, I need better ideas. I'm not sure that money plays a role in solving that problem.

Having had great wealth twice in life, I would add this hard learned insight.
First, if you no longer have to work and all of your friends still work, you'll have to find a valuable life purpose. Or else the wealth will bring you misery eventually. It lead me to the point of suicide. So I gave it all away and in doing so, bought back my soul. That was at age 24.

Second time it happened at age 56. A wiser me now uses wealth with precision. Carefully using it to improve the life of others, anonymously. A purpose worth living for.

"Believe it or not, my strongest desire is to get rid of stuff." The same is true in our household. First: papers. How can we possibly accumulate so much of the stuff. Second: furniture. A couch is a bulky massive thing. You can own a lot of cameras before you reach the volume of a couch. Family knick knacks: Who cares about dust collectors?

Since you asked- travel, travel, travel (I'd uhhh... even check out 1st Cl)! No problem giving away at least half to groups concerning: human rights, animal rights, environmental causes and catastrophes, etc- but not one red cent to any political party. A few bucks to a few close people, a new Fujifilm X-T5, Leica Q, and GR- donate my used and older iterations. Oh, and 20in. prints of every keeper... Done (except for what I forgot).

And if anyone does have photobooks to donate- please, consider The Bronx Documentary Center.

The older I get, the less I want regardless of money.

What Would You Do If You Had Money?

I’d give it away.

I did have a small fortune once and decided to establish a scholarship at a state university for special education majors in financial need, not for academic trail-blazers, but for hardworking students coming into their senior year facing teaching internships that would send them away from their jobs that, up till then, paid the bills. The financial help comes in a check for them to spend on whatever they need (tires for their car, new wardrobe, rent, etc.). The college chooses who gets the scholarship checks, and it is all done anonymously (at my request), but over the years, the college has forwarded to me the many thank-you letters from some of the recipients—one of the better things I did with money.

I have had everything I need for decades now, so I try to give to others the best I can. My Hasselblads carried me through my career, and how I got into my first Hasselblad kit was like a scholarship was given to me. I never forget when someone has been good to me, and I pass it on. I know what it is like trying to get to the finish line, and the odds are against you.

Gym memberships ... I have had a few gym memberships, mostly to share time with my girlfriends. Personally, I would not go to a gym without a girlfriend. I have gone to join an aerobics class full of women, and that was fun, but lots of married men looking at you is not a great experience. My treadmill is in the bedroom, and I prefer the treadmill to the gym anymore.

As far as houses, I like my house, and I like living where I do. I am on the HOA board now; time to give back, as being here for 16 years, I feel I should be helping out. Now handling all the HOA member communications and website. I was in a relationship up until late last year. It was a bit rocky the last six months because of my house. He wanted me to sell my house and move. I did not want to do that. He gave me an ultimatum, and well, I made the right choice for me.

Cameras … I have had a few. The Hasselblad system fits me well. Forty years later, I’m still a Hasselblad shooter; digital, film whatever they offer except their popular 135-pano camera. I do not care much for 135 films when 120 films are available. I have been happy with 120 and 4x5 films for a long time. This year I bought back my Ebony RSW 4x5 because I missed it so much. As far as cameras go, I have probably my last 4x5 and 6x6 cameras. Shooting Fujifilm APS-C will see me get their newest sensor once all the dust settles. I am not an X-T shooter and prefer the X-Pro bodies, but I want the new sensor for digitizing my film, so I may go for the X-T5 if they do not upgrade the sensor in the X-Pro.

That's all I got for now.

My father, after moving from science to engineering, and finally to middle management, all of them seemingly in interesting fields and interesting places, surrounded by interesting people -- retired and built a new house for himself and my mother. Us 4 kids had all moved on to other cities and had started families by then. When the house was finished, his health quickly deteriorated and he died only a year or two later (or so it seemed). I don't think houses are good things for active people just over 60 to fixate on. Pool is much better.

Assuming I'm dealing with 5 million ...

The first four million would go to my two kids. The remaining million would make my life easier. My oncologists would definitely get some research money. After that, I'd find a good place to run out the clock with my wife.

Photographically, I'd buy a new printer and print the hell out of my existing pics. I might invest in some travel - but the internet has given us plenty of pics from the most exotic locales. No need to take those selfies and other pics already extant.

Money doesn't buy anything but a temporary respite from paying for things we really don't need and won't fix real health issues like cancer.

If I had real money?

A decent car, a newer Leica though my 240 would stay as my backup, and a trip to all those landscapes I've always wanted to shoot that would take, oh, literally (and I mean that word literally) the rest of my life with gadgets and stuff necessary to make that happen.

Oh, and a set of Summicrons to try even though I have a sneaking suspicion my Canon, Chiyoko & Nikon LTM lenses would still be preferred by me ;)

Shrug. Nice fantasy :)

I'm 11 years older than you and have gone through 3 moves that involved major "getting rid of stuff" decisions. As you get older "stuff" matters less and is easier to get rid of. One of my elder relatives many years ago mentioned how satisfying it was to get rid of stuff because it no longer needed cleaning or figuring out who to leave it to in their will.
Where we live in Santa Monica, people are always moving in and out, so we see lots of "stuff" being left in the alley for others to take.

Now I'm trying to find time to go through more photos that need to be discarded or digitized. Not enough hours in the day.

I’d get shoes custom-made for my hard-to-fit feet, and while I was at it, I could benefit from the services of a good tailor - and hair stylist!

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a Phase One with both the latest color and B&W backs and a few lenses.

I don't do video so that I do not need a camera that does. I shoot stills only.

I have my printer and I would have to build myself a new computer as my current desktop is nearly 13 years old.

My house is paid for as is my car, although I would look at replacing it as it was new in 2008.

I would travel - a lot.

It's really simple: it's not about the destination, it's about the pursuit. Just enjoy the journey...

Money would change what I do with photographs but not what camera and lenses I use. With every hobby or obsession I've had, I figured out my place in it and what equipment I needed and/or wanted after the first 2 or 3 years. With photography, that happened 3 times: first with film, then with digital, and now with a complete change of subject (raven portraits). I commented here to a post about Fuji X-T5 shortly after it was announced. I had been using a X-T1 and, at least in text, the X-T5 sounded too good to be true because it read like a camera company actually listened to the thoughts of photographers and wanted to correct the mistakes it made with X-T4. I bought the X-T5 as soon as B&H had it in stock and have no complaints so far, well maybe except the EVF. Not that it's bad, but it should not be a tier down from what they put in the X-H2. And I have all the lenses I need/want for raven portraits.

I've been making calendars with my photos for several years, to give away to friends. What I would do with money is I would live in a different part of the world every year and make a calendar with the photos I take there. I would keep an apartment or a house somewhere just have a base and to store a few things but nothing extravagant.

In the UK there is a long running television series, Grand Designs, following people building their "dream homes". One house, reasonably local to me in North Devon, has become symbolic of the obsession (and delusion? foolishness?) of people who attempt to build their dream and end up divorced and in masses of debt.
Read/watch "Grand designs house Croyde" and if that doesn't temper your desire to build anything but the most modest of houses, good luck to you!

Photographically, have digital cameras reached a maturity where the need/desire to upgrade every few years is over and "forever" cameras might be realistic?
In conversation with the program leader of photography where I was a student in the early 2000's, they expressed their reluctance for the faculty to invest in digital cameras (possibly paraphrasing slightly now) "If we invest in a Hasselblad, with regular servicing it will be in use for 20-30 years plus, a digital camera will be out of date in 2-3." At that time a new 501cm with 80mm lens and film back cost about the same as a new Nikon D1. I expect the same Hasselblad's are still in service, along with the same enlargers and darkroom equipment, nearly 20 years later, while the D1's and PowerMac G4's are long gone.
Could a Sigma FP potentially last for 20 years without becoming "obsolete" for your style of photography? Or in 20 years will you look at it in the same way you would look at using a Nikon D1 now?

I have three cars and one is a 2001 MX5, all three cars are old with the MX5 being the oldest. I bought my latest (an Evoque) thinking the MX5 would have to go but I can't bring myself to sell it as if I do I very likely wont have another. My third car is a reliable and trustworthy and practical Hyundai Getz.

I'd love a pool table. If I had one my life would (almost) be complete.

Count your blessings. Best wishes.

"wealth becomes an illusion, because you're still a mortal body and your happiness is still tied to your spiritual and emotional states."

True. Wealth does not bring happiness and the pursuit of wealth is very often destructive. Wealth and status are not ways to find contentment. Relative wealth (even if not huge) can generate fear and a lack of trust in others because you can easily believe others want to steal your money/possessions because your own self-worth is tied to material things.

To start offloading your unneeded equipment and books I'd make a small initial selection from each category (you can probably list them right now) and sell them using the method you think is most effective. Don't labour over the process, use descriptions that are concise, accurate and prices that are fair, or maybe a little on the low side to ensure they sell. Once they've gone then select a few more. Perhaps tell yourself that you will split the proceeds between yourself and Xander and/or donate a proportion to a charity whose aims you support.

I don't think I'd move house if I had serious money - we're pretty happy where we are. Though I think I would employ a gardener. I've never enjoyed gardening but while previously I was able to keep the garden under control, as I've got older it has progressively got away from me.

I'm not sure I'd travel anymore than I presently do - again, as I get older I'm finding it harder on me. However, it would be wonderful to travel in more comfort - business class on flights rather than economy, for instance. That would be a significant improvement.

I don't think I'd buy a new vehicle. Our Golf is less than three years old and it does everything we need.

I don't think I'd buy a new camera. I'm happy with my iPhone for close-range pictures, and I have a Canon RP + 70-200mm lens for longer range. I don't need anything else.

I'd like to be able to give our daughters enough money that they no longer needed to worry about the big things they face, which is principally housing costs (both of them) and medical costs (the one in the US). And I'd support charities. Some of these would be local - our library is run by a charity these days, and there's another body that provides transport for old people who are no longer able to walk, use a bus or drive to get out to lunch clubs and coffee mornings. Then there'd be national bodies - my wife and I are members of one of the UK's political parties and we'd support that, and also give to charities promoting liberal values and policies. Finally I'd want to give to charities and other bodies funding medical research and helping people with medical issues.

And finally I'd buy (and drink) some really good wine!

In my experience having wealth is a hell of a lot better than not. As to "curating" one's money being difficult, nothing could be further from the truth. A few index funds, the overall guidance of a good CPA and a fiduciary wealth manager, and you're done. It's all autopilot after that. Much less burdensome than sweating over budgets and due dates, etc.

[My father's way of putting it was "I've been rich, and I've been poor, and rich is better." --Mike]

I notice the post title is what would you "do" and not what would you "buy".

I have all the camera equipment any one person could ever need, but I have very little to take pictures of. If I had spare money that needed to be spent I would use it to go places, and see things and make pictures of both.

I also mistakenly read "had" as "mad" as in "what would you do if you had mad money?" I have a good friend who has what i would consider "mad" money. He's a Silicon Valley big wig, and he has houses and cars and all that jazz. None of it is of any interest to me. But what his money does do that interests me is allows him to have a concierge doctor and a full time fitness coach for himself and his family. (He also has a full time chef which comes in handy, but i like to cook). It must be nice to always have someone on call to look after you, to not just fob you off with the least effort diagnosis. Also nice to always have a tennis partner or someone to motivate you in whatever your exercise of choice is.

I am going to take the liberty of answering again, this time "photographically." If I were a rich man, ya da deedle didle deedle, deedle-deedle dum:

I think I would build myself a sizable portrait studio with skylights to control the light, a proper heating system, studio flats, plenty of electric capacity, a real set of proper strobes, etc.

I probably have all gear I need, but I'd love to have a controlled environment in which to use it. Should be large enough for proper full length portrait with a largish group of people. My gift to myself would be one portrait session a week until my resolve gave out.

In contrast to my more altruistic impulses, this would be fulfilling a purely selfish photographic "want"

Thanks for the second "bite at the apple" and apologies to Sheldon Harnick . . .

I always fantasize about what I would do with more money, and we are not at all hurting for money. In fact, my wife is at "peak earnings" for her career as a medical doctor and professor and now dean. We both come from low income backgrounds, though, so have a scarcity mindset. I fantasize about having enough to fully fix this large old house we live in. I would also like to purchase a small building that various progressive groups in town could use as a base for organizing. In the old days, socialist halls were pretty common, but not any longer. The wealthy have the Chamber of Commerce and much more.

I would also set aside accounts for all my wife's neices and nephews who we suspect might need a boost at some point in their lives. Always good to have a pillow.

Camera wise, I would maybe try out a Leica finally. What I would do is buy a Leica M11M and Q2M and Pentax K3III monochrome with a few lenses, then have a personal shootout, and sell the rejects. I would then submit an article to TOP about the experience.

We are pretty set for cars. A 2021 Sienna hybrid awd, quite nice. And a red 2000 Miata with 60,000 miles that is slowly losing its smell of mice. Just bought a fresh battery and we are waiting for the final snows to go away.

"What Would You Do If You Had Money?"

I've always found it fascinating to see how various people answer this evergreen question. In general, men tend towards listing stuff they would buy. Women generally tend to list things they would do.

Seems to me that we live in strangely blessed era. Whether it is regarding cars, cameras, phones, appliances (you name it), the models that are affordable to everyone are so good that it does not really matter that much more expensive ones are available, especially since they are not necessarily that much better. I remember how craptastic the Renaults of my youth (very early 1980s) were compared to BMWs, that is pretty much not true anymore.

All this to say, there is nothing particularly pricey that I covet, because it strikes me that I don't need to, since the less pricey stuff is generally more than good enough (I can be picky too, so it's not cheapness looking for a cover).

If money allowed, I would travel business instead of coach. It's not just the seat (forget the food, its never all that good), it's the whole experience: next to no check-in line, shorter security wait, access to the lounge and easy boarding and deplaning. I don't travel enough anymore to have the status to get regularly upgraded. I miss it (but not the constant travel, so I guess there's that).

Mike, on getting rid of stuff : I’ve been involved in closing down my mother in laws house and my mother’s retirement apartment.
The short story is a Lot went in dumpsters. Your son will take some sentimental belongings. Other than that it’s getting donated or pitched.

I've always said I'd never change another lens from a camera. For every lens I own, there would be my body of choice attached to it. Think Dennis Hopper's character in Apocolypse Now. I'd shoot mostly digital, but have a darkroom and lots of film and paper for when I wanted to do that, too.

"...there is no acceptable digital equivalent, yet, for photobooks..."

Apologies for just focusing on this particular tree of your forest, but I recently self-published a digital photobook (otherwise known as an eBook) that I'm quite happy with. It helped to have a good graphic designer, who worked in Adobe InDesign. It's up on Kobo, and I've found their eBook app on an iPad is 99.9% accurate to the finished Adobe manuscript. BTW, you get a shout-out in the Acknowledgements page. I'll send you a link with a coupon
that will get you a free download. Would be glad to share more of the experience if you and/or your readers are interested.

Given 5 millions, I would buy whatever number of apartments this allows and rent them. The rents would become my new revenue and I would adapt my lifestyle to that revenue.

Adapting my lifestyle includes photography expenditures.

Photographically speaking, travel. For this continent I'd get a sprinter type conversion van (Sportsmobile does my favorites---I might even go for one of the more rugged Ford 4x4 models), and I'd go everywhere.

For abroad I have a number of bucket list ideas, most taking weeks or months.

I might even buy some properties in strategic locations...

Being really rich...

1. HEALTH. Find a good doctor who can precisely determine if we are ill and what to do with it.
2. A bigger flat and an upgrade to our summer cottage.
3. Retire.
4. Visit all the major, interesting places in Europe and some uninteresting holiday resorts too.
5. A little better car, say — about 80% more expensive than my current one.

A modest dream, isn't it?

I'd like more financial security. I'd like a house we didn't have to spend so much time and effort taking care of (but hiring people to work on this one might be as good as moving; and the other 3 people living here seem to not want to move). I'd like to travel more, but COVID is restricting that as much as finances. I'd like to eat in restaurants a lot more (COVID, again, as much as money). With good funding I'm sure I'd upgrade some computers and cameras, but nothing in those areas is particularly urgent now.

Then, at higher levels, I might like to hire people to help with my photo archiving project for local science fiction fandom, instead of trying to do everything myself. Also getting my own photos, both of SF fandom and in general, better organized (especially handling the 1987-2002 period when things are mostly still sitting in plastic tubs).

One of my old dreams was to start my own space program. I don't have the skills (management or engineering) to be a key player, though, and by now there are many non-governmental space projects going, so I don't need to do this any more I don't think. It was also a hugely useful riposte to people who said things like "I can't conceive of anything that I could spend 10 million dollars on" (always said as if they were proud of their deficit of imagination).

At various high levels of windfall money there are all sorts of charitable and political things I could do directly and indirectly. It'd be a lot of effort to do some of them (at least to be sure they were effective), so I may be glad I'm in no danger of windfalls of that size.

I remember when a big house was built next door to a relative's place on Cape Cod. It was in a quiet area and faced a pond from which you could canoe or kayak to the beach that fronts the Atlantic Ocean. The man built it as a family retreat for him and his wife to host children and grandchildren. The summer he moved in, he died suddenly of a heart attack while on a walk. Sad.

I suppose that if you had $10 million lying around, or even $500,000, you'd have the freedom--if you didn't want to move closer--to visit Xander and his family more often than you get to see them now.

I started with pinhole photography, with two cameras: a homemade 6X6 (made from an old Agfa folder) and a metal 6X12 camera called 8Banners Mb. Both are still with me, and in use. It cured me from G.A.S. Well, sort of the next few pinhole cameras I bought were cheap! BUT: As long as there's 120 film available, I will stick to them :-)

I’ve never owned a new or current-model automobile, and I might like to do something about that! Just an economical and practical thing, like a Toyota Corolla, specifically, a GR-Corolla. It’s so basic, that it’s only got three cylinders, and you gotta shift gears for yourself, but I don’t wanna be greedy.

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