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Sunday, 05 February 2023


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Disco chains were cringeworthy on any person of any age at any time.

You are right. Your father looked more like 25 in that picture.

OK, now we want a photo of Mom.

I also find that both of my parents, especially my dad, looked much older than their true age in pictures from high school or early adulthood.
Conversely, current "kids" in high school and college generally look very young to me, but that might be because I'm now old enough to be their father.

Other than the fact that your father was good-looking, he wouldn't attract a second look now, with that hair style, shirt and glasses. The more things change, the more they stay the same, eh?

Well, great hair, good looks and yes sharp shirt as well. The point of my comment is I just upgraded my prescription glasses and those are identical frames I just purchased. I know the following statement is overused but fashions do come back around if you wait long enough.

Dale Irby is my new hero.

I worked as a school portrait photographer, at a regional studio chain, for a couple of years around 1980. I had no experience, so I (and my new-hire colleagues) were trained by the studio's chief photographers. The company had high standards in posing, lighting, and exposure; we used a traditional four-light setup. We were proud of the quality work we could produce (in a five-minute sitting!)
So while I enjoy Mr. Irby's consistency and sense of humor, it pains me still to see the terrible quality of his portraits. Obviously from an assembly-line studio where they sat you down, took one frame, and called out 'next!' A shame, really.

I see pictures of my father, and I wonder, how the heck did he get the good looks and I turned out...the way I turned out? I see Mike faces the same conundrum :)

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