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Sunday, 26 February 2023


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Strange that you should write this, as I was browsing through Roger Eberts site for most of the weekend. I really miss him too, which is strange since I live in Norway and have never seen his show on TV or read the Chigaco Sun Times. But I stumbled upon him on the internet while studying cinema studies in university the 1990s, and became a keen follower of his reviews up until his tragic death. I loved his no-nonsense style and we had pretty similar tastes, which is all I really want from a reviewer.

Movies that include photography in their plot. “The Bridges Of Madison County” comes to mind. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if instead of she staying at home for the weekend, it was he, and a pretty female photographer substituted Clint Eastwood in the story.

That movie, As Good As It Gets, with the Nicholson character's obnoxious, racist rants at the start, was the first time I actually saw many people get up and walk out of the movie theater. Until then, that was just a vague expression but not something I had actually witnessed. As I recall, by the end of the movie, I envied the people who had walked out. I expected there would be some redeeming quality - there was none.

As for Ebert, fwiw, at the time they were still on the air, I thought Ebert's reviews were usually a lot closer to my taste than Siskel's.

Thanks for reminding me of the crushes of my own youth - and the ones of my brother (who died a few weeks ago, he was much more of a film buff than I ever was).
Oh, and I, too, miss Roger Ebert and his reviews. Your link btw didn't work for me, so I searched for it and found it here: https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/as-good-as-it-gets-1997

My own probably flawed, overarching memory of the film, is that Nicholson's character played a straight-up asshole who treated his server (Hunt), and pretty much everyone else in the restaurant, Horribly with a capital "H".

I forget why he did so, except that he seemed to get away with it most of the time -- and she apparently found this psychopathy attractive?

Strange movie indeed.

I miss him,too!

"As Good as it Gets" is maybe my favorite of all time. "A Man Called Ove" competes well for top spot.
I hesitate to do this, because we may seldom see you if you go down this rabbit hole, but have you looked into red light therapy?

Movies. After watching some of the 'behind the scenes' or 'the making of' extras on DVD's, I sometimes wonder how movies get made at all. Yet some of them completely capture us.

But the thing I wonder the most is why any person outside the movie industry would want to date an actor. These people are finest professional liars in the world. How could you ever trust them? For those in the industry, of course, the relationship is just another role to burnish the resume. That some appear to be happy and have long term relationships is even more amazing than the movies getting made.

A good December January romance Harold and Maude includes a Jaguar E type hearse. You might appreciate that.

M.T.M. "…was as beautiful as humans could get"? Oh my! Please check out Gene Tierney!

You never post my posts where I'm (only rarely) being complimentary to you. But here goes...

I read your blog daily because you write with such an ease. An ease that rings like a tuning fork to put me into the kind of mental zone that well suits my best days.

And I thank you.

Large age disparities among some couples reminds me of the Steely Dan song "Hey Nineteen". As an older person, I witness the differences in life experiences when talking with the young adults that I encounter during my work. On the upside, I can recycle jokes that they haven't heard yet!
Famously, some of these relationships do work out. Justice William O. Douglas's fourth wife (if at first you don't succeed...) was a 22-year-old college student whom Douglas married when he was 68 years of age. The marriage lasted for fourteen years, until his death at the age of 81.

My girlfriend at the time made me watch As Good As It Gets.

I still don't know why, though I had the feeling she was trying to correct something about me. It's one of those movies where if you see any resemblance between yourself at the characters, you immediately set about to change your ways, but thankfully that time I did not see the resemblance.

But I also liked watching Helen Hunt act, so it was okay. (Or is that OK?)

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