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Monday, 27 February 2023


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"Really hoping for a clean bill of health and the go-ahead to exercise."

Wishing that for you, too!!

Best of luck with the medical evals, Mike. Sure sounds like you're back on your feet, and I hope the docs agree. Looking forward to the "beauty" discussion!


I sincerely hope that you find out that all is well. My wife has been going through a "medical churn" of her own. I can certainly sympathize with what you are going through.

All the best to you!

Congrats on the clean bill of health! Now let's see some more B&W photos.

Great news!

So happy for you Mike, keep smiling, stay healthy.. lots of love :)

Congratulations Mike! I'm really happy for the good health news, I wish you the best. Being in good health is paramount, we can wait for your new posts. :-)

Two thumbs up.

That's great news, Mike. Thanks for letting us know.

Great news, Mike!

Great! Re the exercise... SLOW IMMERSION. Don't rush, don't overdo it. The number one reason for people quitting is too much, too soon.

Crawl before you walk. Walk before you jog. Jog before you sprint. Or find that moderate doable middle and stay with it.

Good luck.

Very good to hear that Mike. What a huge relief for you!
David Drake

Yay! That's good to hear, Mike!

Very pleased for you, Mike!

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