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Thursday, 12 January 2023


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Well, I admit I'm inclined to support anybody denounced as a communist during that panic. But the image you show (book back cover, it says) exemplifies pretty much everything I dislike off in that corner of photography.

[That's why I provided some links to some [online JPEGs] of his work, so you can get a sense of whether it might appeal or not. --Mike]

Thanks for the heads up on this photographer, Mike. I tried to order the book (great price!) for delivery to Australia but unfortunately they only ship to US Zip Codes.

[I just checked for you, but it's full price at The Book Depository (which has free international shipping). Unfortunate. --Mike]

I knew of his work only from stories about the Photo League, and an occasional mention (and a portrait) in one of David Vestal's books. Thanks for bringing him to our attention- and I must say your description of his work is right on. Well done Mike!

" ...you can get it for fifteen bucks from Hamilton Books."

'No records were found matching your query.'

I'm sorry, Mike, but I'll have to buy it outside TOP's link.

Addendum: The link to Helen Gee's "Limelight" book leads to very expensive out-of-print printed books. Please note that "Limelight" is also available in a Kindle edition for about $11!

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