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Monday, 07 November 2022


Feed You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post.

That works for me and Feedly! Specifically, I now have a second subscription for TOP with the last seven days of posts, and I still have the old one with posts from before. Thanks, Mike.

Not only is that new feed working, I can now subscribe to comments for specific posts? Your kung fu is strong, Mike.

Bingo! Seconding the new feed working on Feedly! Thanks Mike.

I don't know about those feedblitz links but I created a new Netvibes entry with the link at top left 'Subscribe to this blog's feed' (https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/atom.xml) and all seems well.

Just received the whole 16 posts since the bug today via the old RSS URL http://feeds.feedburner.com/typepad/ZSjz : delighted to see you back! And delighted to be able to read the entire posts in the RSS feed, too.
Thanks for all and keep up the good writing!

Just to confirm, the old RSS feed (along with that of another TypePad blog I follow) sprang to life at the weekend, with all the missing posts.

I think there was a time when you could redirect a Feedburner RSS feed to a new URL - so you could change your site's feed URL to a new location and followers wouldn't have their service interrupted - but I'm not sure that's possible now.

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