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Monday, 21 November 2022


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Mike: As the owner and user of an Epson P800, I'd love to see a discussion from Ctien on printing these. Specifically, I'd love to know whether or not he used the ABW mode and his thoughts on same.

Daniel lives in Vancouver, Wa, less than a mile from me…

I'm a little surprised the "One Gull" image didn't make the cut for being offered as a print.

It's interesting to compare your photo in this post to an earlier version with a Ctein-made print. Some things haven't changed much.


Congrats on the sale, I hope it goes well for you. Honestly, I love the "Corn at Harvest"; to my sense of aesthetics, it's by far the best of the bunch.

Alas, it's not particularly relevant since I can't afford any of them at this time. Hopefully you'll get the level of sales you deserve for these marvelous images.

I second Steve's request above for a discussion on printing these - both technical issues specific to Epson printers, and creative aspects from your side, Mike.

I'd also be interested in how and why you selected these 3+2 images for this sale.

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