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Thursday, 08 September 2022


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> multi-exposure computational photography

FWIW the various "smart HDR" modes have been doing this outside the context of night mode for a while now, even back to the iPhone X or 11 ... and in recent versions of the device this stuff runs on almost every shot.

One thing that I've noticed about it is that in some situations the phone will actually do essentially a separate HDR blend on every pixel in the image rather than running a masking algorithm like Photoshop or other image combining tools do. This can make it very hard to emulate or duplicate the contrast that you get from a phone shot on a "real" camera.

I've had an iPhone 13 for a few months now and have found that the more recent revs of the post-processing algorithms to be a bit of a mixed bag compared to my old 11. Some things are clearly much better, but others not as much better as you might have assumed. It will be interesting to see how the new machine is.

Sounds tempting, but for now my iPhone 12 does what I need it to do. Thank you for distilling the tech info down so someone like me with not enough time to read all the hype can understand the changes. Best to you!

Ergonomics. That is the keyword for photographers rather than snap shooters.

I'll agree that it is a legitimate approach but it's not for me. I did take a delightful shot the other day with my phone, but I'd still rather carry my Leica M 240 for digital photography and my Rolleicord III for film photography.

It's how my brain works.

It should be noted that the 48MP “quad pixel” sensor is not a conventional 48MP Bayer sensor. It breaks each R, G and B pixel into four sub-pixels of the same color. See the picture at 1:19:54 into the presentation. They perhaps use machine learning (ml) to help overcome this.

As good as these cell phone cameras are becoming, or have become, the real advantage is instant access to the Internet for distributing or publishing your photos. Maybe someday Nikon and Canon will figure that out.

All the bells and whistles that these smartphones have softwarewise can make their way into real cameras, and are already making their way into real cameras, and by real cameras I mean cameras with a not ridiculously small sensor size and with a decent interface and a decent finder.
I am not Ken Rockwell, hence I am not a fan of smartphone photography. Maybe history will prove me wrong. But I would bet a 100 Euros against it.

@Peter Wright: I recently recommitted to using a "real camera", after a couple years of just using my phone. Why? I just didn't like the pictures that phones made. They look fine at a glance, but they seem to fall apart as soon as I try to adjust them, and there's something unsatisfying about them to me. This is kind of ironic, as I work for a phone maker.

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