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Friday, 02 September 2022


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Oh man, this sucks. I have Page's book, cleverly titled, "Page After Page" which is a page (OK, not so clever) turner for Walter Mitty wannabe photo journalists like I was in my 30s.

Additionally it was made into a multi part docudrama on A&E called "Frankie's House" which was a bastardized version of a Vietnamese pronunciation of the staging location for the P.J.s covering the war.

Page was also part of a duo with his second being Sean Flynn, son of screen legend Earl Flynn. Flynn disappeared on a shoot and Page (for years) desperately tried to learn his fate. Unless something changed, it's still unsolved.

Not many of my influencers are still around.

Unfortunate, but interesting, timing for me. Like the earlier commenter, I hadn't heard of Lyon, but I swap photo books with a friend in another state, and in the last shipment he included SF Noir and San Francisco: Portrait of a City. I liked the latter, although it felt as though my reaction to the book was more nostalgia for a city that no longer exists (I used to live in the city).

SF Noir, on the other hand, had much more of an impact on me. Even though not all the images were taken in the shadows or at night -- as one might expect in a book of the title -- there was a theme to the book that coalesced quite nicely, and the layout was well done. There's very good, and inventive work there, and worth seeing.

Sad to see him leave this plane, but hopefully (like Fred Herzog, portraitist of old Vancouver, who I discovered only months after his passing), he'll live on, and maybe even find a few new followers.

Interesting camera slung over Tim's right shoulder...


I met Mr. Lyon a couple years before-Pandemic, and he was still engaging with his fans and signing books. It was at a public event, so I didn't get to talk to him. More people should know his work.

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