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Tuesday, 06 September 2022


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I read about the life and adventures of Jack Lucas recently, although I cannot recall where. Am I remembering correctly that his wife tried to kill him as well? She obviously didn't stand a chance.

In the picture you're looking at a dry dock, which to my understanding is the standard operating procedure for building, repairing, and doing maintenance on large ships.

Like many things in this world, dry docks are not new: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_dock

You might also be interested in: https://www.marineinsight.com/naval-architecture/largest-dry-docks/

On the Movies! channel we say Gary Cooper as "Sergeant York". The real Alvin York - a pacifist - might not have liked having a gun named after him.

Great story. Nice photo. Thank you for that.

With the immense factoid bulk that the internet is, it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole of curiosity… or does it have to do with the “six degrees of separation”?

Small world… I just came back from a long weekend in Bath ME for a friend’s wedding. Cranes from the Bath Iron Works rise above the small town and cmplete the picture of a working waterfront town.

I've heard Jack Lucas' story before, but I guess on some level I don't believe it because it always astonishes.

For what it's worth, AP, Chicago Manual, NY Times and Lloyd's List all prefer "it" and "its" as pronouns for ships.

[Yeah, but then I couldn't make my little joke. --Mike / not a comedian ]

That looks like a floating dry dock, which has been around for at least 100 years, although previously I have only seen them mentioned as used for work on existing ships, not for the construction of new ships. (This is not an area with which I am familiar, so such usage may be far from new.)

FWIW, if you want to see a little more about floating dry docks, and also read a book that I think you might enjoy, take a look at "Under The Red Sea Sun", by Edward Ellsberg. I first read this more than 65 years ago and still consider it worth recommending.

- Tom -

I think using a full name as a ship's moniker is at the discretion of the Navy. My father served on the USS CHARLES J. BADGER, but all his other ships, the CONY, DIACHENKO, EVANS and RENSHAW, received just surnames. Most likely the full name is used to differentiate two ships with the same name or, in the case of the BADGER, to distinguish between a Navy hero and a furry member of the weasel family.

Speaking of dramatic “ships on floating dry docks,” do a search for the USS Texas. As the last example of a WWI era dreadnought battleship in the world, it is an important artifact of naval architectural history. The Texas now out of the water and undergoing an overhaul to repair its hull.

Regarding that larger original photograph you found on the Huntington Ingalls Industries website:

Why does the largest shipbuilding company in the USA show photographs of its operations on its website that depict its cranes and other large structures leaning over.

Architectural photographers deal with big, impressive structures at close range all the time, and show them vertical, as they really are.

To me, the photograph just looks like a casual grab shot.

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