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Wednesday, 13 July 2022


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Does your work appear in the print magazine, or only online?

[The two articles I've written are both online only. --Mike]

Wow, that’s pretty heady company you are keeping there.

I’m a subscriber…looking forward to reading your article in my favorite magazine!

Michael, just finished reading your NewYorker article. Excellent, many good and thoughtful points and ideas included. I did have a bit of trouble finding it at first my subscription but I ultimately found it. Good work Eric

That one made me cry, great article. And yes, it’s available to read to Apple News subscribers.

Interesting and analytical, but I thought it seemed more distant and less personal than what you write about here. Except for Xander at 14 and your mother's chair. BTW, how do you feel about the every year same pose series, of which the Brown sisters is only the best know example?

Wonderful article

Wow, Mike. That’s an absolutely outstanding article on the “family portrait”. You’ve nicely amalgamated a bit of its history with its practice to present the issues to consider when creating one. And the New Yorker’s current “family” section is a perfect placement for this piece. Well done! You should be very proud of this.

Great article, with some interesting ideas, especially those about editing. I am the self-appointed archivist for my and my wife's family and have been scanning and archiving my own and relative's old slides, prints, and negatives since 2018, as well as being the family's resident Photo Pest for 30 years. As I always told my oft-annoyed subjects: you never regret taking too many photos. (Spray and pray works!)

After working with over 200k images, though, I would saying selecting what to keep and what to leave out makes a huge difference. Both of our families enjoy what I have collected on my site so far, and when I have finished my initial pass through the images, I look forward to creating books that can be pored over forever.

It's a wonderful piece, Mike.

My favorite kind of photography.

I went out to the New Yorker online and read 2 articles. Great reading and well done.

Congrats again Mike, hope this turns into a regular gig.

Please, what was the date of your previous article?

Frankly, I had just assumed I could find it in the print magazine.

[You can click on my name at the current article. I actually have an author page (another "pinch me" kinda thing). --Mike]

Congratulations on getting the gig and especially for the interesting well-written article. The New Yorker is a great magazine. Nice to see your talents reaching a wider audience

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