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Monday, 11 July 2022


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I sadly only have the obsolete iPhone 12. Still very happy with it may upgrade to the iPhone 14 if the photo processing brings strong benefits

Any way I have now convinced myself to sell the Rx100vii. Mainly stays at home now. Shame really since it does a great job. Like you it’s the phaff of another thing to carry around. Plus the complex method to share snaps.

If you keep this up, you'll turn into a wildlife photographer. Nice that the bunny doesn't fear you.

I'm still trying to figure out why, say, an α6600 with a sweet standard prime lens, would *ever* be 'left home' instead of on a neck strap on in one's bag.

Replying to Ed Hawco's comment.
Hi Ed, I completely ignore the iPhone's Photos app collection and instead use Lightroom app on the phone which syncs in my Lightroom Classic (desktop) account to the synced computer folder nominated in the LR Classic sync preferences.
Here's how I make that happen:
In Lightroom phone app, go to Library > Settings (cog wheel) > select Import and turn Photos (app import) checkbox on, along with anything else you might want synced like Videos, screenshots etc.
Once it has completed syncing to the Adobe cloud and back down to the Lightroom catalogue, then every time I take a photo on the phone – whether with the LR app or the phone's camera app – it will pop up within a minute or so in my desktop LR catalogue in full resolution (raw, in my case) with metadata and develop state all intact – an elegant system.
As well, I have un-synced the useless Photos app on my desktop Mac and tend to ignore it on my phone as the LR camera app does everything I need and more (Night mode, included).
If your Adobe Cloud storage maxes out and you don't want to pay for a bigger plan then just move the already synced and downloaded photos in your LR classic to an un-synced folder to become your iPhone archive. Then delete those same photos on your phone! Seems risky but you already have downloaded them so they are safely tucked away from the nightmare of sync-delete-Hell.
At that point, the Adobe cloud app's storage will free up space and it will continue adding the iPhone photos to the LR classic synced folder again.
I tend to get about 3 year's storage of iPhone photos along with a dozen or so folders of standard camera shoots in my 20GB standard Adobe photographer's plan.
Reach out if you need further help at the contact form on my website: www.malloch.co.nz

Per Mike's examples, I'll just add that there is a Live Mode in the iPhone's camera system that will use multiple frames and can do things like blur water into a "long exposure", as shown here. Just put the camera in Live Mode, take the photo, and then after the capture, select the Long Exposure version of the specific capture.

Here's an example taken at Putah Creek in Yolo County, CA. While in Live View mode, press the "shutter button" just once, then select the Long Exposure frame by flipping thorugh the frames in the iPhotos app. The photo was converted to B&W in Tonality Pro CK.

As you can see, It works quite well.

>> "Is there a way to manage iPhone photos in Lightroom, short of exporting selected ones? I haven’t found it."

You can use the newer "Cloud" version of Lightroom (used to be called Lightroom CC, but is now just Lightroom as opposed to Lightroom "Classic", which is the old Lightroom) to edit iPhone photos in a way that is closer (but not exactly the same) as the classic Lightroom experience. LR on the phone will automatically sync new pictures from the phone's camera roll over into the Cloud Lightroom catalog (much like the iCloud version of Apple photos).

I have mostly switched over to the new Lightroom over the last few years, and it is different but the same enough. And having all the photos and processing info across all of my devices (laptop, iPad, phone) is handy.

Note: In theory you can also have the Classic Lightroom sync to the newer "Cloud" version of the catalog. But I have tried this on occasion and for large catalogs it just doesn't work well. So I gave up. I have my older classic catalogs on a backup drive, but have stopped using them after migrating all the pictures (about 100,000) into the new style catalog.

If you don't want to deal with all this cloud nonsense you can also transfer the pictures by hand off the phone and into Lightroom using a USB cable ... but that is fairly tedious and error prone, and me getting tired of that dance was what finally drove me to use the new-style Lightroom apps.

I’m constantly amazed as others have mentioned at what pictures the iPhone makes with little hassle. But, that said, I have the primal need to manipulate the various machined chunks of glass, metal and plastic to get images. More and more though, I find I’ll take film and digital side by side, only to compare it with and example from the iPhone later. I have iPhone handle adapters that come somewhat close to maybe holding a rangefinder, but it’s still a bit of a roadblock to accept as a picture making device.

For Bob-

With a Lightroom subscription one can set the LR mobile app to “auto add from camera roll.” Photos are then available to edit in LR mobile, and if signed into LR Classic on a computer the photos will also show up there. Changes made on the phone and on the phone will sync.

The problem is the photos now exist in two places (LR and iCloud). It would be nice if Adobe were to add a setting to LR mobile to delete from camera roll after import. It also requires a subscription.

Hopefully this helps.

Stephen’s tip looks pretty cool, will have to try it next time I’m by a river or fountain.

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