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Wednesday, 25 May 2022


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I think your Patreon supporters should be at the front of the line not only in notifications, but also in your judging. I think your Patreon supporters should get at least half a baker’s dozen chosen submissions.
So the email subject should then be “Patreon-BDCamera”

Then maybe my submission would have been chosen. Or perhaps my subject matter brought tears to your eyes?

In response to a comment regarding Patreon priority; in all fairness, just have a separate but equal Patreon Baker's Dozen. In full disclosure, I am a Patreon, but I have no interest in submitting work to Mike's Baker's Dozen call outs. My interest is in seeing other photographers work and supporting Mike and this site.

Bakers dozen are always enjoyable. The grandkids one been my favourite so far.
Couldn't care either way for Patreon priorities (being one).

My thoughts mirror Darlene's.

I think you forgot “Smartphone Photographs” from 2017 : https://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2017/11/bakers-.html

I know this because you picked one of mine for it ;)

[Wow, so I did. Neglected to put it in the category. Thanks Rick! I added it to the post now. --Mike]

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