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Friday, 08 April 2022


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How sad. I feel for his friends and family, and I’ll miss his contributions here. I always looked forward to hearing about his great experiments!

There’s a nice tribute on DPReview’s Medium Format Talk Forum about the passing of Audii-Dudii (Jeffrey):


Sad news. Condolences to his family and his many friends, here and elsewhere. Thank you for those words, I think much needed by those of us becoming too inured to isolation, distancing and hateful rhetoric.

This is sad news indeed for those of us who became familiar with Jeffrey's particular vision of night-time urban architectural photography and for modifying shift and large format cameras into the tools he needed to accomplish it.

But how much more must the sadness be on his immediate family and friends.

Following his first article featured here on TOP in mid-2016, Jeffrey and I emailed back and forth over a series of projects. Mine were simple, but his were truly inventive.

In pursuit of his photographic vision, Jeffrey had the imagination, drive and skills to take a standard stock item and transform it completely.

His on-going enthusiasm for pushing the development of each new tool further and further - all on a shoestring budget - was amazing.


Rest in peace, JG.

As Mike says and I've found, if you are having a bad time of it the best thing to do is to try to help somebody else. I had to live a long time before I understood this.

I support some of my friends to varying degrees. They mostly support me but it doesn't matter if they don't; I'm not keeping score. They in turn support others, people I've never met. I imagine there are interconnected networks like this all over.

A few years ago I was having a bad time of it in hospital; I could have died, I nearly lost an eye. (Not the viewfinder eye!) There were patients in the ward having a much worse time. I did my best to help them, not realising at the time I was doing it partly (mostly!) in self preservation.

JG shared a few of his night time urban shots with me a few years ago. The quality of his work convinced me to kick the analogue habit and try digital. I enjoyed our on-line discussions about both photography and (occasionally) audio.
May he rest in peace.

It always hits home when I read these messages and I just hope he has found his peace, and family and friends can find comfort in that.

As someone who has been there: Anyway, just this thought: reaching out for help is not worse than dying is too simple. For some people reaching out for help really is harder. Besides, without knowing what, how, why it's impossible to say what would have helped, and anything we say will only be speculation.

Depression is a Liar (and a thief)!

Now I look at his nighttime pictures of suburbia; dark, empty and desolate (if solidly upper-class) and I wonder.

RIP, Mr. JG.

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