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Friday, 08 April 2022


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For those not unalterably opposed to mixing Youtube and photography there’s a nice, well produced look at some of Uelsmann’s work in this short video: https://youtu.be/LXHs4lu8SxQ.

...He was the ex-husband of Maggie Taylor...

And two other women before her.

Even if (for some reason) you didn't like his work- you still had to be in absolute awe of what he was able to create!

A lesson in modesty: The mere fact that I am not impressed by his work does not mean he is not a great artist.

I remember “discovering” Uelsmann in the London [Ontario] Public Library as I was just beginning to submerse myself into “serious” photography, around 1974-75, devouring every issue of Aperture. It was a magical experience - his style and methods were not something I was interested in attempting (or thought I could accomplish) but he expanded my horizons, showed me that photography was not necessarily about “straight” representation, even with the keen insights of dozens great rapporteurs/journalists. I owe him.

For those of you with Lenswork Online subscriptions, be sure and catch Brooks' discussion and video presentation of Uelsmann's work in an early edition of the magazine.


About ten years ago I met Jerry Uelsmann very briefly by chance while I was in the photo department offices at the Art Institute of Chicago. He was with a small group of other folks attending an annual photo educators' conference in Chicago and was stopping by to say hello. (The AIC has a nice little collection of his work.) He struck me as a bit of a funster. Associating him with his work would have been a cinch after even a 5-minute chat.

He was nothing short of a genius. Long before Photoshop made such creations "easy," he did photomontages that were artistic and incredibly technically challenging. His work was so much more than the sum of its parts. I heard him speak in Portland a number of years ago and found him to be charming and humble. We've lost another of the great ones.

I always enjoy the Book o'the Week as well as the links to books by the photographers that you write about. I had no knowledge of Jerry Uelsmann and found his work interesting. I also enjoyed the blog on Ernest Haas. My question is, of your personal collection of books dealing with photography or photographers, which 10 would you want if you were on that proverbial desert island? Thank you.

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