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Thursday, 21 April 2022


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I'm sorry to hear of his death. I exchanged emails once with him. It didn't come from him but I got the same advice for selling my photographs but I have to say it had the opposite effect when I tried it. Instead of increasing my sales, they came to a screeching halt.

May his memory be a blessing.

What camera is that in the first self-portrait?

Another sad loss for our community, both here and more broadly. The world is in need of all the kindness and compassion it can get.

What very sad news.

Thank you for this article and the links.
@ Ben Rosengart : I think the camera is a Fuji X10, not to mess up with XT10. I had an X20 some years ago, great little pocketable camera with a bright optical (!) viewfinder, 2/3 inch sensor, good fixed zoom lens, crop factor 3,9. Instead of enhancing the OVF system they replaced it by an EVF in the X30. Bigger battery required, bulkier body and finally the end of this series sadly. Regards,
Helmut the Austrian.

Sad news, he will be missed.

@ Ben Rosengart. It’s a Fuji X10

The camera Eolake is holding is a Fujifilm X10. It had a 2/3 sensor and a 28-112mm equivalent lens.

Very sad news, and condolences to his sisters/family. But thanks Michael for letting us know, and I've linked back to here from my blog over at https://wolfgang.lonien.de/2022/04/rest-in-peace-eolake/

So sorry to hear of his passing.

Very sad news for sure. I enjoyed his many insightful comments over the years. I can only imagine what a great friend he was to all who knew him well. A loss for all of us that visit and enjoy TOP.

I always thought "what a fascinating name" whenever I saw a comment from Eolake on the site. I think I'm even more pleased to know that he chose it for himself.

I would love to know the backstory on that name. Likely, I never will. As Wesley told Inigo Montoya, "Get used to disappointment".

[Walker Percy, from Lost in the Cosmos: "As John Cheever said, the main emotion of the adult Northeastern American who has had all the advantages of wealth, education, and culture is disappointment." (I don't think anyone's ever found the Cheever source of this.) --Mike]

I remember him on a blog post somewhere (here, maybe?) saying “who could antagonize a photographer with a pink camera?”

I never met him in real life, only online, but sure he’ll be missed.

I had only known Eolake for the past two years via his Facebook friend request, but enjoyed our steady online conversations hence. He was one of the few people that made dealing with Facebook worthwhile. I'll miss his insights and good company.

From the old Usenet days, I've always worried when the sobject (or title) of a post has just the name of someone. Yep, still a bad sign. Very sorry to hear this.

My goodness, there isn't a Wikipedia page for him. I don't know enough to (track down the sources to) write one, but it seems like he's "notable" enough.

I exchanged a few emails with Eolake; sounded like a nice fella. RIP, Mr. S.

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