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Mike the Managing Ed.
(Thanks to Earl)
I'm sure you're fed with this by now, but ....
Posted by: Richard John Tugwell | Wednesday, 16 February 2022 at 01:55 PM
Thanks for this! As much time as I spend in the front of my computer I should really know this! Lol
Posted by: Yolanda Turnquest | Wednesday, 16 February 2022 at 08:03 PM
Hi Mike, long time reader and seldom poster. I can’t speak to the current Leica RFs, and can tell you that in the vein of “simplicity” the Leica Q2 is the way to go. I rented one for a week+ this past summer and fell in love. I’m in the process of selling my Hexar RF, Konica 35mm f2, and a pair of Leica M lenses to fund the purchase. You should ask one of your vendors for a trial, or maybe Roger C @LensRentals, well worth the ask I would think. Jim
Posted by: Jim R | Thursday, 17 February 2022 at 09:49 PM