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Monday, 17 January 2022


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Mike wrote by referring to the two games as "American football" and "World football” .
That leaves plain “football” to refer to Aussie rules football I guess?

Regarding the distinction between the two similarly-named games, I stand with Jeremy Clarkson (of Top Gear), who - in my mind rightfully - proposed that the North American version should henceforth be referred to as "hand-egg" and not "foot-ball" :-)

George Blanda was signed by the Houston Oilers in 1960, and led them to their first 2 league titles. Yet he was released by the Oilers in March of 1967, because they concluded he was getting too old. The Oakland Raiders still thought he had potential, though, and signed him in July of 1967. I was lucky enough to be present (and on the field!) on December 10, 1967, when Oakland came to Houston to play the Oilers. Oakland beat Houston 19 to 7. Of Oakland's 19 points, 13 were scored by--you guessed it--George Blanda (4 field goals and 1 extra-point kick)!

Mike -

Enjoyed the OT discussion on 'Merican Futbol! Not to quibble over details but the Chiefs won the Super Bowl in 2020, not 2021. They played the ageless Tom Brady's in 2021 and got beat - pretty decisively - 31-9. Both teams have survived the first round of the playoffs this year so a rematch is still possible.

Best regards,


I can think of other reasons Aaron Rogers shall always be considered a “bad” man.

Don't know if Unicorns are really in flying suacers but they are in the Bible.
Cats aren't.

You better root for the Packers!

So what about rugby?


While Blanda technically was able to play quarterback up to age 48, he mostly did kicking duty after age 44. Still, quite impressive when the gloves were off as far as tackling the quarterback was concerned.

One quarterback who doesn't get mentioned much is Archie Manning. He played for a terrible team and took a beating week after week. I don't know how he endured 11 seasons with the Saints. One tough hombre.

"I think this means I'm starting to be a real New Yorker."

Well, "New York State" New Yorker, rather than "New York City" New Yorker. :>)

Rodgers spells his name like Richard, another all-time champ. He is a product of UC Berkeley, not exactly a powerhouse in college football. He went 24th in the NFL draft, so he was overlooked by many teams. But talent will out.

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