[TOP publishes on Mon./Wed./Fri.]
The next Baker's Dozen, with the title "Object of Affection," will be of pictures of objects. Inanimate ones.
Object, noun,
A material thing that can be seen and touched.
"She appeared to be holding a small object"
It can be any kind of object. Perhaps of a sort you have some kind of affection for. I'm loath to give examples, even verbally, because I don't want to risk directing your creativity. Points given, however, for being mindful of the inherent descriptive power of photography.
I'll pick a dozen of the most interesting ones to post, with one extra for good measure. Search the site for "Baker's Dozen" if you want to see past examples.
If you'd like to play, click past the break for instructions.
How to Submit
This is a call for your own work, and you must own the rights to it, so please don't send me anything but that.
By submitting, you give me permission to reproduce a small JPEG of your picture on TOP and that's it. Your copyright remains yours and we make zero claim on it. There are no prizes, but no cost for submitting either.
To submit, send me your picture in an email, with this subject line:
Just like that...no spaces, spelled exactly like that, no variations. Capital "O" in "Objects." Plural "s." No spaces. When I begin building the post, I will search my large email stack for that exact phrase as the subject, and if your email doesn't come up, then I won't see your picture.
Please pay attention to that, as each time I specify this I do get submissions that don't have the proper header. Those inevitably get lost.
I'll announce the deadline when we get near it. No promises when the results will appear. However, I'm going to try to be more timely this time around, having embarrassed myself with excessive procrastination in the past.
Email ONE or TWO (1 or 2) JPEGs, 800 pixels wide, saved in sRGB. Include in the email your name, where in the world you live (people keep forgetting that), any technical details you care to share, your website URL if you want me to publish it, and whatever you want to tell other TOP readers about your picture.
Lots of people write that paragraph explaining their picture (see the "In the Museum" BD feature for examples), so if you don't, just be aware that your picture might seem a little "naked" after it gets picked. (Because of course yours will get picked.)
My email address is mcjohnston at mac dot com. Replace the "at" and the "dot" with the proper symbols and get rid of the spaces. This modest attempt at disguising my address will not fool the steenkin' web-crawling bots, but we do what we can.
So, five components:
"BDObjects" in the SUBJECT LINE;
PICTURE(s) (must be your own!), 800 pixels wide in sRGB;
Your NAME;
Your written COMMENTS about the shot, anything from one line to a short paragraph.
All five components should be in the same email. If you count on me to collate information from several separate emails you do not know Yr. Hmbl. Organizing-Challenged Ed.
Hope you are up to the challenge! Have fun.
Book o' the Week
Eye and Brain by Richard Gregory, Fifth Edition. "As far as I know nothing in the past 50 years is a better explanation of how humans see." —Hugh Crawford
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Original contents copyright 2020 by Michael C. Johnston and/or the bylined author. All Rights Reserved. Links in this post may be to our affiliates; sales through affiliate links may benefit this site. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
(To see all the comments, click on the "Comments" link below.)
Is this a request for photos of memorabilia?
Posted by: louis mccullagh | Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 07:14 AM
Missing from your announcement:
“Submissions are due no later than ________ .”
And the big one:
“Winners will be announced _______ .”
Ex: “June 1, 2023 … unless I accidentally lose your submission.”
Just giving you a well-deserved hard time.
[Okay, made me laugh. --Mike]
Posted by: Kenneth Tanaka | Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 08:47 AM
But Mike, you know how much people get objectified these days... you could get a bunch of people photos!
Posted by: Arg | Thursday, 27 January 2022 at 11:00 PM
I'll enter the next one, which should be "Objects of Affectation."
Posted by: Chuck Albertson | Sunday, 30 January 2022 at 12:30 PM