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Friday, 24 December 2021


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Peace and joy to you, Mike. Happy Yule, which I say because I have returned to the "old ways". I promise to try to remember to use your link this year for all my Amazon and B&H purchases. I wish there was a way to designate it at the Amazon site! :-/

There is a gift I received from TOP (aka Mike) that has little to do with photography. I am now eating a diet that is mostly plant based. I gave up the beer, all sugar and nothing processed enters this mouth of mine. I am down 27 pounds since April. Karin is also on the same eating regime and also losing weight. So Mike have a great holiday and thanks for the motivation.

Merry Christmas to you, Mike, and here's hoping your 2022 is all that your daydreams want it to be.

Merry Xmas Mike and Butters. Hope the New Year is good for both of you.

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