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Monday, 08 November 2021


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Fantastic collection, Mike - thanks for the link.

Thanks for that link Mike.


Lovely, just lovely- flirts with Nat Geo familiarity, but manages to transcend it. The images of the women outdoors In their festive, colorful garb are just mind blowing...

West of the Black Sea? I think it's east...

Sorry, Georgia is EAST of the Black Sea and it's hardly in Eastern Europe. More like Northern Middle East, same longitude as Bagdad, Irak.

Oh boy, that is beautiful work. So many genuine photos.

The Doukhobors are also an important community in Western Canada:

Thanks for the link, Mike! Those are wonderful photos.

Georgia is technically (most of the time) in Asia, but most Georgians consider themselves Europeans. Whatever, they're on the edge.

That’s a beautiful set of interesting photographs.

It's a gorgeous set of photos (as are her other photo projects).

I love Georgia. I've visited twice, and had a fantastic time both times. It's a photographer's paradise, with an incredible diversity of natural environments (mountains, forests, deserts, etc.), stunning medieval churches and monasteries, beautiful towns and cities, and some of the most hospitable people I've ever met in my travels.

The food is amazing too!

Some photos from my travels there:


I recommend Simon Marsden's travelogue book 'The Spirit Wrestlers', no photos just word pictures. Oh and a map. Covers some of the same territory and people group.

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