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Friday, 13 August 2021


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A lovely photo and terrific personal backstory, Kenneth. (Particularly on the day after the first Field of Dreams game!) You'll certainly always remember this image. And they'll each probably always remember this image especially if you give them prints. How much higher of a calling can a photograph have?

Thanks for sharing it with us, Kenneth!


I remember back in the 1960's,on a cold, dark day, we were near the beach in Ventura, CA. We decided on a whim to get a bottle of premixed Manhattans, some ice, glasses and snacks, and go watch the sunset on the beach. There were 2 guys and a gal about 50 ft. away. As we sat down, one of the guys came over and asked if we would take their picture. Then he explained that they had driven up from Los Angeles so the couple could get married at the Mission in Ventura, but they had forgotten a camera. I gladly agreed, so he called the couple over and I took 6 or 8 photos, which of course had to be processed and mailed to them. Then my brother remembered he had his Polaroid in the car. You can't imagine the smiles on their faces as he took 2 or 3 Polaroids and gave to them.

Oh, wow. What a gift - for all of you!

Great photo.

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